Get free blank hodographs in PDF form

Dec 4, 2003
Free PDF hodographs: (PDF, 409 KB)
The PDF might look bad in Acrobat but will print great.

These are excellent for keeping tabs on short-term changes using VAD/VWP, surface, model output, and other sources.


Thanks for posting this Tim. Do you have any PDF files of blank conus maps or US maps?
This would sure be a nice thing to have easy access to. I have used the ones NOAA has somewhere on the web but they are not as clean as the PDF you have provided here.
Just curious.
That is perfect - you know, I did a google search just a few days ago for a midwest and southwest conus map and the Plymouth site came up. I guess I didn't mill around enough in there to find base maps.
Until I landed there by chance, I had never been there before. I wonder how long that site has been around?
No nned to answer cause it does not really matter - Thanks again for posting!