Farmers Almanac Weather

I know

Funny how that sums up our exact weather up to and predited for those dates, LOL. :lol:
Originally posted by Geoff Boyle
I know

Funny how that sums up our exact weather up to and predited for those dates, LOL. :lol:

So does that mean the NW Coast will be enjoying this April tornado outbreak as well? :wink:
April and May will be warmer and drier than normal, with a major tornado outbreak in late April.

Woohoo! Bring on the dryline LPs in southwest Kansas and western Oklahoma! :lol:

Figures, though, I have only ONE day scheduled off April 19-29th, so you know the almanac will hit this one... :roll:

God forbid the higher-ups in the NWS decide we need to do day 8-14 NDFD grids in the future, please at least give me the option to initialize with farmer's almanac data ;-)

Mike U