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I got the same thing from him. I'll just stay away from him.
Yup, at this point I am at....If he wants my help/advice/guidance(whatever) then he can come to me. I figure everyone deserves a chance. Oh well. Like I said from the beginning, people like this are so common. Just look them up on Youtube, I am not hammering him for having fun or doing his own thing. I am critical of him because he makes reports VIA SpotterNetwork, how can you possibly believe any report based on that video evidence.
Yep, let him have his fun and let him learn the hard way, but his crappy storm reports needs to stop until he gets a LOT more experience.
In response to Paul: I had a speculation of this.... but never thought they were directly involved. However, it really doesn't surprise me. I bet they all knew each other and decided to create separate groups. However I believe the members of TRTI are a year or two older so who knows.
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I had a speculation of this.... but never thought they were directly involved. However, it really doesn't surprise me. I bet they all knew each other and decided to create separate groups. However I believe the members of TRTI are a year or two older so who knows.

I removed the post after thinking about it but you caught it before it was gone. The past is the past and it wasn't right to cast judgment. I'm still done being helpful. People either are or aren't ethical and won't change unless they are willing so it's useless to help. The fact is these pseudo-research teams are not endorsed by any official agency they supposedly support and their presence only confuses the general public.
I removed the post after thinking about it but you caught it before it was gone. The past is the past and it wasn't right to cast judgment. I'm still done being helpful. People either are or aren't ethical and won't change unless they are willing so it's useless to help. The fact is these pseudo-research teams are not endorsed by any official agency they supposedly support and their presence only confuses the general public.

I amended it, no worries.
I know that some (if not all) of the comments I've left on their videos are quite harsh, but then again that is how he comes back too which is why I don't really care how harsh my comments are. Looking at their videos, Facebook, YT profile, it sounds like they are doing all this so that someone will notice them. I really dont see how a 17 year old is going to get the fund to build equipment that will get any new research data that hasn't already been collected over and over again. And lets say that they do actually somehow get data that is worth looking at. This group obviously does not have anywhere near the knowledge needed to be able to analyize and understand the data.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I have some more thoughts about this on my blog...
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"The fact is these pseudo-research teams are not endorsed by any official agency they supposedly support and their presence only confuses the general public."


"I really dont see how a 17 year old is going to get the fund to build equipment that will get any new research data that hasn't already been collected over and over again. And lets say that they do actually somehow get data that is worth looking at. This group obviously does not have anywhere near the knowledge needed to be able to analyze and understand the data."


Its good to see that people are still wanting to get into storm chasing, however as with the movie Twister, perhaps there is a new media frenzied generation, end "Twister" gen, begin "Storm Chasers' gen. I just hope they don't get themselves or anyone else killed by their actions.
All chasers are ignorant when they're new. The difference is, today's newbs think they know everything. I touched on this on my debut show: when you're a new chaser, shut your mouth, open your ears. Go do your own thing but don't attempt to relay what you're seeing to another person because you don't know what it is you're seeing.

Storm chasers are born in obscurity. They venture out, they stumble and fall, and they do it quietly, independently, while they slowly learn. These people who hit up forums asking what mapping software they need, talking about what gear they have in their vehicle, or trying to set up impossible meetings with other chasers to team up mid-chase...I don't know what they are, but they're not chasers.

Chasers just chase. And then one day you hear about them.
All chasers are ignorant when they're new. The difference is, today's newbs think they know everything. I touched on this on my debut show: when you're a new chaser, shut your mouth, open your ears.

I think Shane expressed my feeling on this issue well. In fact, I said almost those same words to Tia the other day when complaining about the chaser community. I'm certainly a younger guy, and don't have half the experience that a lot of the veterans on here do but things were even greatly different when I started out. When I got my license and ventured out on my first chase I knew I didn't know jack. I had all the visual information I had stored up in my little 16 year old head after a childhood of tornado programs on TV, a weather radio and some paper maps.

I saw some cool stuff, and fell on my face a couple other times, but like Shane said, screw up or not, it was MINE. There was no stormtrack forum with 1200 people to paraphrase my own forecast from, no spotter network to hone in on my target, no GRlevel3 to follow the pink polygons and hook echos, and I didn't have a laptop to get any real-time data updates. I made my forecast, walked out the door and got in my car. If I didn't nail my forecast, I went home and figured out why the hell I was coming home pissed off. That's not to say that these things are bad, but they should be treated as luxuries, not necessities. The MIDSCAR kid was having cell card issues mid-chase and screamed "If they get us killed I'll f*cking sue them!". Are you kidding me? Their blame of the lack of cell data on their lack of awareness right next to a textbook supercell in the middle of the day is the epitome of the problem with new chasers today.

I didn't have a website when I started out, and I didn't even know any of the chasers that I'm friends with now. For all I knew, it was just me out there being a jackass spending all his money on gas looking at cool skies after a childhood of being forced to watch from home. I went out time after time, learned a couple things, and kept my mouth shut. I think a big problem is, when you're new you want see cool stuff SO bad, your eyes can almost make you see them. Problem is, back in the day you saw some crap, got excited, and realized you were excited over bull ****. In 2009, you see some bull ****, crap yourself, falsely report it on SpotterNetwork to advertise the fact that you saw a tornado when you absolutely have not, quickly upload the video of your bull **** on youtube, make plans to deploy probes into this bull ****... etc. I could ramble on for pages about this with my point being, when most of the more seasoned chasers started out in this hobby they kept to themselves with their mouth shut realizing most of what they were getting worked up over was nothing, until they got enough chases under their belt to learn the real **** from the bull ****. Today's kids come loaded with technology broadcasting their inexperience through a bull horn. It's obvious and easy to pick these guys out through their youtube videos, but simply through reports to the NWS or via SpotterNetwork it's a little more challenging.

I will say I find it more comical than frustrating when I see kids planning on building intercept vehicles or probes when I can't find a single good tornado image or video under their name.
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I was made aware of this thread by Mike, the owner of ChaserTV. By the way, i'm the MIDSCAR1 your all talking about. I had a nice talk with him and he did raise some good points. I want to apologize for my actions, for anyone who was trying to give me pointers and I acted out harshly. It may be too little, too late but I hope after a while I can get at least some forgiveness. As for the reporting aspect of things, on the videos you were all talking about I never made a report (except for the August 19th chase). I did what any other noob chaser would do, and wait until I was certain what I was seeing what a funnel, tornado, etc. I admit...I may have acted like, when you guys responded to me, like I knew everything but I did NOT mean to come off that way. Mike helped me realize just how big of a jerk I was being. I'll admit now that I have a lot to work on and everyone had good points (as in pushing blame onto something else, such as a cell card). Those things were all me with lack of experience...not technical issues. I have an extreme interest in tornadoes, and I got carried away with the whole TIV idea. This is something i'm NOT going to do!

I also noticed someone thought I was working with TRTI? That's a no go! I used to be on the guys team...but I didn't last very long. Didn't like some of the things he kept doing (misuse of amber lighting, excessive speeding, etc.). Its been my worry that people would group our teams together, but we're not

If i've left anything out, let me know and I'll continue to explain myself. Again...i'm really sorry for my rudeness and hope everyone will be able to at least be civil towards me. Thanks
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I didn't have a website when I started out, and I didn't even know any of the chasers that I'm friends with now. For all I knew, it was just me out there being a jackass spending all his money on gas looking at cool skies after a childhood of being forced to watch from home. I went out time after time, learned a couple things, and kept my mouth shut. I think a big problem is, when you're new you want see cool stuff SO bad, your eyes can almost make you see them. Problem is, back in the day you saw some crap, got excited, and realized you were excited over bull ****. In 2009, you see some bull ****, crap yourself, falsely report it on SpotterNetwork to advertise the fact that you saw a tornado when you absolutely have not, quickly upload the video of your bull **** on youtube, make plans to deploy probes into this bull ****... etc. I could ramble on for pages about this with my point being, when most of the more seasoned chasers started out in this hobby they kept to themselves with their mouth shut realizing most of what they were getting worked up over was nothing, until they got enough chases under their belt to learn the real **** from the bull ****. Today's kids come loaded with technology broadcasting their inexperience through a bull horn. It's obvious and easy to pick these guys out through their youtube videos, but simply through reports to the NWS or via SpotterNetwork it's a little more challenging.

I will say I find it more comical than frustrating when I see kids planning on building intercept vehicles or probes when I can't find a single good tornado image or video under their name.

I feel the exact same way. I chased locally the day I got my licesne [1998.]

On my 18th birthday I flooded my vans engine from chasing all day and it wouldnt start for 2 days...that was 9-11-2000 [look up the event and watch chicago get owned twice!]

I didnt know what SPC was until someone told me about them in 2006. The same thing with storm track. I was referred here by someone after asking him how I can contribute to storms of 2006 dvd. I had zero idea how many chasers actually existed...the first plains outbreak I chased was 5-5-07 and I remember thinking it was really awesome to be around 50 other cars [yea that opinion has since changed.]

I busted majorly on 9-22-06 as I chased 3hrs away from home with the only radar I was able to check being the one they had on the TV at a rest stop off I-55. It wasnt till 07 until I loaded up on technology...I logged all my chases on myspace until this year when I finally launched a personal site...and the only reason that happened was because dryline hosting was offering a half-off deal at the time.

So I also get annoyed at these kids who just load up on technology because theyre rich and mommy spoils them so and then proclaim to be the next super chase "team" and get mouthy with people who know what theyre doing and have gone the hard path over many years.

BTW Mr Heater...There is no Mike who owns chasertv. Everyone here knows who the brains are behind ctv.
Hey Chris, welcome aboard. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Stormtrack is great place to learn, get advice and (as I'm sure you know) criticism.
Im not going to throw their names out here. If they want to jump in they can but none of this realy concerns them.

EDIT: This post is directed at Mr Heater...Skip posted before me. Im in a medical office and my internet is slow here.