Danny Neal
Ooooooooor maybe not... I just hollered at him via YouTube to connect on Facebook. He replied and as it turns out, guy and his crew have a whole operation going on. He never mentioned this to me otherwise I wouldn't have said a word. Still scraping my jaw off the floor... at least I was right about being enthusiastic
I didn't push send yet.... I have about 9-10 sentences:
I know of his "team" but figured this would be worth a shot any how.... "Slogan: We report, you go hide!Are you genuinely interested in actual chasing? My comment before may have come off as a complete douche and I apologize for that. But I have been watching your videos for some time now and your perception of what is happening to what you think is happening is way off base. I have been chasing for 13 years and I started somewhat like you. I went on my first chase in 1998 with my dad and my grandpa (You can see it in my videos) I don't know if you know of me, have seen my videos, my web page, or anything but I would be completely willing to give you some direction online and in the field if you want it. Your families and your enthusiasm are to be admired, but you are getting excited 90% of the time over nothing. I can't begin to imagine the actual joy you would get when you actually SEE a live without a doubt tornado, or get in a big hail core, or see amazing structure(that you have done, your June 18th video of that shelf was amazing). Point is I have seen you out in the field before in your explorer (I think) with all your lights running when you are no where near the storm and I don't feel that is appropriate. However I am not the chasing police and can't tell you how to run your vehicle/lights but most in the chasing community have issues with the running of light bars outside of low visibility situations. Long story short I am willing to answer questions you may have since you from the looks of it you seem to have a passion for storm chasing that many of us possess. All we need to do is to fine tune it! If you don't want anything to do with me or are satisfied with what you know and your experiences then I am sorry for bugging you with this. Either way, shoot me back.
Danny Neal
If the lights are flashing, to the storm we're dashing!" <~~~~~ I have to admit this made me laugh a lil