Shane Adams
I don't think there is anything great about seeing an F5 tornado.
So you think there's nothing great about seeing any tornado that does damage? Why even chase then? I mean, how can you know sometimes if structures are being affected? I've seen video that would strongly disagree with your above statement.
When I saw the Argonia wedge on May 29th, I was anxious to find out what the damage rating of it was; however, my anxiety was out of fear that what I saw hit something (and my hopes were that it didn't and got a low F-scale rating).
We all feel that true chaser wishes destruction upon anything/anyone.
It was not driven out of any desire to "bag the big one" so that I could proudly tell other chasers "yeah I saw this F5" 30 years from now.
So I'm supposed to turn my passion off like a light because something might be getting hit? I'm not apologizing because I love to see tornadoes. I don't control what they do, I just document them. And I'm not going to pretend that, in 30 years, when I answer the tired question "did you chase the May 3 tornado?" that I'm not a little proud of the fact that I was able to be a part of history.
I'll tell you what, Melissa and all who share her opinion...
Let's make sure none of you ever have to chance seeing an F5 time there's a High Risk oubtreak imminent, and violent tornadoes are expected, why don't all of you just stay home?