DVD: Minnesota Mayhem

Nov 18, 2006
Chicago, IL
The Convective Addiction group has launched our second DVD!


This DVD covers 2010s largest tornado outbreak - June 17th 2010 and is jam packed with many tornadoes of all shapes and sizes and including a few that happened after the main Albert Lea show. Total run time is about 1hr 40mins and I think every suggestions we got from reading Bullseye Bowdle reviews was implemented in this DVD. A must have!


Detailed info and order page:

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Argh, I told myself I was done buying DVD's this year! But this looks really good so I'm gonna pony up and order it later tonight. Good trailer, looks amazing!
Out of curiosity are you willing to do a trade?

We appreciate your interest in our DVD but unfortunately we do not offer trades.

If you enjoy our footage, many of our members will be making season-end DVD's of their own. You can contact them at that time to talk about trading.

(Hope you enjoyed both myself and Danny's answer at the same time! lol)
FYI: We have also announced the our pre-sale will last THROUGH next Monday Sept 20th if you wanted to get the best price on it.

Also, if your debating, the Blu-Ray version has a lot of extra features that we just couldn't fit on the SD disc.

1. Forecast and Case Study – Ryan Wichman provides a detailed look at the meteorological setup that lead to the deadly outbreak.

2. Chaser Commentary – Watch the entire movie along with Adam, Danny and Skip as they share their thoughts and comments about the chase and what exactly was going on.

3. Bullseye Bowdle Preview – A sneak peak at our first DVD production.
Got the DVD in the mail on Friday. All I can say is Minnesota Mayhem is absolutely incredible! Adam Lucio, Danny Neal, Skip Talbot, Scott Weberpal, Jesse Risley, Brad Goddard, and Ryan Wichman did an incredible job on this DVD. It's two hours of insane video from June 17, 2010.

You have got to see it. Skip, way to go editing! I'm watching it again.
The Convective Addiction group has launched our second DVD!


This DVD covers 2010s largest tornado outbreak - June 17th 2010 and is jam packed with many tornadoes of all shapes and sizes and including a few that happened after the main Albert Lea show. Total run time is about 1hr 40mins and I think every suggestions we got from reading Bullseye Bowdle reviews was implemented in this DVD. A must have!


Detailed info and order page:


I got mine!!!! Awesome job guys!
Some important notes:

- Tomorrow is your LAST day to order at the presale price. Beginning Tuesday the price will jump to 18.99 DVD and 28.99 Blu-ray.

- All orders have been shipped, if you haven't received yours yet you should soon.

- The first batch of Blu-rays is sold out [didn't expect that to happen!] So if anyone wants to order a blu-ray it will take about 2 weeks for us to have another batch made. There are still some DVDs left but the Blu-rays come with some great bonus features.

Thanks again for all the support!