Digital Atmosphere Workstation - final release

Dec 4, 2003
A big announcement: Digital Atmosphere Workstation has been completed as of this evening, after being in beta since February. I'd write more but it's 4 am and I'm going to bed now. See the site for more pictures and information. If you have any questions just let me know.

There is a 30-day free trial (without the raster graphics) so you can give it a full workout.


Does this version have the ability to import your new (through 2002) surface and upper-air archives, or is it only available for the old archive dataset you produced several years back. I am very interested in this feature. I gave it a quick try with a surface archive disk in the cdrom and it seemed to hang when I used the "get archived data" command.

BTW, I tried out the Arcview import tool. It works great. Nice tool!


I am going to buy the Surface Archives Professional and Upper Air Archives, so I can do some case studies on severe weather, what Digital Atmosphere should I buy the Standard or the Professional version.

I haven't fully integrated the Archives where you can access them through the interface panel (it still works only with the old LHARC-compressed data that I sold until 2002).... but if you manually extract the data using any unzip program it's absolutely 100% compatible (bring it in with File > Import File). It's all standard METAR and upper air TEMP format. One of my next tasks of course is to automate the access of that data direct from the CD to spare that intermediate step.

I won't be processing any orders until Thursday, so please allow me some time if you've sent one in. It's been extremely busy today. Thanks!
