Copyright Infringement Reports (Review guidelines in post #1 before posting here) Hey! Amazing! This guy just completely ripped my 5/13/09 footage for his own! Watermark and all. - Part of MY footage. I had a full length version on my old YT account where he hacked this off of. I had since deleted that and created a new video.... nice to know someone can rip my work. I guess I made it huh.
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That guy actually wrote a book on chasers...Here is the link.

I know it's not directly related to the video he steals, but the description of that book is a gem!

The Fallen Sky is about tornado chasers who use state-of-the-art technology to track tornadoes and study them, while preparing to launch a new advanced warning system that generates up to six months worth of precise weather forecasting. The teams go on a long journey through the Midwest as they bump into a group of wannabe storm chasers and try to help them grow into professionals.

Peter lost his family when an F3 tornado touched down on their home while he spent the night at a friend’s house on the other side of town. He grows up prejudiced against tornados, which alters him into an inventor. He designs a machine called the “twister eliminator” and will be named the first man ever in history to control a storm by a device.

One of his other videos ( stole the sound from another site (I'm not able to find it at the moment). I know because it's the exact file I used to set the ringtone on my phone :D
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This one I'm not sure of:

Extreme Weather Films

their youtube channel says they've been doing stock footage for 9 years. The website whois says it was registered in May 2010. The footage seems similar, but can't seem to match it up yet with any others. But the site ( seems a tad dry. It may just be the start of a new site, but I can't find a name linked to the trade name and the email address seems a little suspicious.
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Thanks to you guys for pointing this out. I'll message them tomorrow and ask that they remove the image. There's a little uptick in the piracy of this image lately. One frequent poster on ST is using it as an avatar and another "chaser" on FB has it as his profile pic. This photo is NOT in the public domain. It's owned by Eric's wife and licensed through Corbis International, who vigorously protect the copyright. This is still a frequently licensed image.

Thanks again for posting the usage.
Looks like I found another site with Eric's photo on it.

If you watch the slide show of photos on the left side of the screen you will see that he photoshopped him self into the Mulvane tornado photo.

Wow, and he sublicensed it to


Though I suppose it's possible that he legitimately licensed the shot. Seems rather suspect, to say the least.

The image at the bottom of the article about him here:

Seems suspect too. Looks like a Reed or a Hollingshead shot. Again, might be legitimately licensed by the magazine, who knows.
It's probably copyright infringement, but it's not something worth bothering with, at least IMO. Ultimately, only courts get to decide whether something is fair use or not, and that requires spending a lot of money to find out. I suspect a Federal District Court judge would be mighty annoyed if you brought an infringement like the above into his courtroom.
Pic with him on a car is from a article, not his. Tornado pic is from photostock.

I don't know who photostock is, but they're not authorized to license Mulvane. It's possible Wired bought a license, or Steve did, or that he's using a frame from Scott Currens' video from that day ( with or without permission). I'll find out shortly. This would be a usage Corbis would pursue, and Wired would have to pay. We shall see.

Thank you guys, once again, for helping me try to protect Eric's work.