Copyright Infringement Reports (Review guidelines in post #1 before posting here)

The reason YT and Google are not is because when you enter the Google partnership program or even just upload a video you agree to their rules and that you own all rights to the content of the video. Since you lied to YT and Google it is not their fault that copyrighted material made it onto the site.
She has had about 8 FB and YouTube accounts over the past year. Her current ones are listed bellow in the links I have provided to her sites. I know she has stolen the work of Jill Jilardi (Meteorologist at KOLR10) several times and she likes to get online and pose as other people. She also claims to be an avid chaser and to have had many tornadoes in areas where tornadoes haven't happened this year. She also in the past has claimed to be part of V2, the NWS at SGF, and currently claims to have a chasing company and promises people salary and compensation for gas, food, tapes, hotels and even vehicles. A group of us have tried to reach out to her a few times but she just goes nuts then deletes her accounts and starts over again. The easiest way to spot her is by her spelling, lack of information over meteorology and calling her self a "paid professional chaser". She has made claims of working with The Weather Channel too.

Megan's sites:

Wowzers. That's quite a long list. I've had to deal with her before several months ago and someone else caught her on FB again (Kim Blackhurst I think?). People sometimes...
This guy was featured in a newspaper article on storm chasers, and one of Mike Hollingshead's pictures was printed for the article (the bottom wall cloud one)!

I'm not sure in this case that there is violation, as the caption mentions "Stock Images". It's tough to tell, but it may actually be a valid usage. Mike would have to chime in to be sure.

Megan Gould has yet another page on Facebook and is using the alias "Cassidie Shmitz." She has a few photos on the profile that are copyright infringements.!/profile.php?id=100000980193311

I am seeing no pictures that are public atm. *See Edit

sweet woman who will do anything for anyone and never lie or hurt anyone and by the way I am Cassidie L schmitz a kid with OCD and other disabilities so I can get confused very fast so please understand I am not Meagan Gould any way would she like the three stooges like me hum

Edit: I am not sure where the other posts are but in regards to those I am not listed as her friend and therefor see no pictures available.
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Moderator Note: Thread Rules

Since this thread is somewhat unusual in terms of its lifespan and purpose, and due to the fact that is has the propensity to wander off course from time to time, we wanted to post a quick reminder of the original intent of the thread.

The thread was created nearly five years ago, and it continues to serve a valuable purpose, though the original "rules" for the thread are buried way back on the first page:

Thread Rules

Stormtrack promotes the lawful use of photographs and videos by its members. If a user discoveres copyright infringement of any member's work, we ask that you please PM that user directly. If the pirated work encompasses multiple users, you may either PM every user seperately, or make a copyright infringement report within this thread. In the case that copyright infringement is suspected, but the work is unidentified, a post may also be made. We ask that discussion in this thread be limited to identifying the copyrighted work.

Reports of copyright infringement should be limited to this thread. These type of discussions should not appear on the rest of ST.

The Stormtrack Mods
Does someone contact the copyright holders when stuff like this happens???

There's no formal system, but usually, yeah. I get emails from time to time from people when they notice my work in questionable places.

Register your copyrights, kids. It's well worth the time and money investment.

If you are talking about the is just an avatar, but it's up to the owner's image to decide. Of course....funny it shows this:

In the spirit in which our country was founded, we are all called to understand as much as we can about our creation, our Creator, and each other. That understanding can only begin with communication. Here is my simple contribution.
How about that part that says "thou shall not streal". Whoops....maybe H will be "communicating" that to him (if he chooses to).
If you are talking about the is just an avatar, but it's up to the owner's image to decide. Of course....funny it shows this:

How about that part that says "thou shall not streal". Whoops....maybe H will be "communicating" that to him (if he chooses to).

Posed as question because perhaps this is the one time someone actually went about it the right way; wouldn't want to rush to judge... and yeah, lol'ing at the hypocrisy as well :D