Copyright Infringement Reports (Review guidelines in post #1 before posting here)

I didn't see anything that looked stolen. I see 3 pictures of the sky/weather and given the subject I wouldn't care if someone stole that.

he either set privacy on them or removed them...they were definitely there earlier, now, not so much. The 3 he left, apparently, are the only photos he actually took.
I didn't see anything that looked stolen. I see 3 pictures of the sky/weather and given the subject I wouldn't care if someone stole that.

There were 15-20 photos taken by various chasers, some of which were apparently taken by Steve Miller_TX. After several PMs were sent, the pilfered photos were removed, so this case is closed.
This video that looks like it is from Nikon in Russia or another nation that uses the Cyrillic alphabet has some footage of Jim Reed from May 8, 2008 in his infamous run towards the landspout in western Kansas. It seems odd that they would use footage from 2008 in an advertisement for the Nikon D7000, which was not released until 2 1/2 years later. I might be wrong, but I doubt Jim Reed was asked for permission for this one.

Ha. This person/these people don't even try to hide it:

From: HardcoreStudio1 | Apr 15, 2011 | 2,000 views
GREAT VIDEO by deepsouthwrx