I'm sure I'm repeating myself...
I'm an
Apple Consultant Network member based in St. Louis and all I do is Apple installs, troubleshooting, upgrades, etc.
I'm sure I'm repeating myself but I deal with this issue all the time. There are a few options for running Windows on a Macintosh but all issues in running Windows-based, current weather software revolve around ActiveX.
ActiveX is only available on Windows and all of these software vendors have decided that their software will be based on this technology.
ActiveX is a security hole and I really doubt that Apple will ever want to port it to the Mac OS because of that.
So, the current options are in my personal opinion:
I have not been able to get ActiveX working in
Crossover even though there's claims that it does work for other applications.
I've used Parallels and Fusion on the road in the past and although it works, my philosophy is this. But program run Windows as an Application and pass Windows processor calls through to the Mac OS. When you consider the layers involved and that the weather application is running on top of Windows, then on top of The virtualization software, and then on top of the Mac OS, you can see where it gets complicated and where slow downs occur.
Parallels has actually made this process fairly quick and although you'll never run at full speed, at least you can run the Mac OS for all of the other applications you need and just the weather software.
My point that I've made to others is that by running a virtualization software package, you add complication to troubleshooting. Add an internet connection that suddenly stops working because of a USB dongle or something and tracing the real culprit as to why your connection went down because a long process and not one you need in the heat of a chase.
With regards to Parallels and Fusion.... I can tell you that they are mature products and are rock solid. Parallels, at this point in time, is faster than Fusion. that may change in the next six months and as this thread matures, feel free to drop me a note for my opinion. I use both because I'm always testing this for my clients who need this kind of solution.
I used to run a virtual Windows XP when chasing and it just wasn't reliable. Windows Vista was a complete turd and Windows 7 finally is a decent OS. I have two machines running when I chase... The on-board Mac mini I have installed permanently in my vehicle will boot into Windows 7 and the Laptop will stay on Mac OS 10.6 and uses WeatherTap based in Java.
I'm hoping that all of the development on the iPhone and iPad will convince weather software vendors to port their code directly to the Mac OS over time and I can abandon Windows completely. But while everyone depends on ActiveX, that's not going to happen.
Hope this helps?