Chasing Road Atlas/Map?

Jan 7, 2008
Bryan, TX
If I recall correctly, there was at least one person who had constructed a map and posted on this site a few years ago a kind of "chaser's road atlas," that covered a few states (think especially South Plains?) with recommended roads that were convenient both for driving conditions and good unobstructed views of open country and spots to pull over. I tried a search on the site but today I'm getting this message: "The search could not be completed. Please try again later." So, apologies for what might be a redundant post if the thread is still on the site somewhere, but I'm very interested to see the chaser's road atlas. Think it might have been a pdf file downloadable from a member's site?
Well, even when the search function was up again, no sign of any such thread. Not sure if it disappeared in transition to the new site. No one else seems to remember this I guess.
Hi @Jason Harris - We have NOT transitioned to the new hosting provider yet and are still at the mercy of what we have for the moment. I promise you (and everyone) within the coming few weeks we will get to a 100 percent stable platform. Once we do that, we will make sure searches are properly indexed and usable again. In the meantime, I sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding. They past week has been very painful for all of us, and totally beyond our control (for now).
Hello Todd, I didn't mean to imply any complaint about the site or the search function--figured that was some temporary glitch, and it seemed to work later. It may also be that I haven't used the right search terms, and perhaps I simply am not remembering the details correctly, and there was no such post here. Could have been somewhere else. If you happen to find what I'm referring to though, please do share, and thanks for all the good work here.
No worries, Jason! I just wanted to let you know we are still in a state of flux right now.
Actually, I think I remember the post you are referring to and if I do come across it I will be certain to let you know!
Yeah, Texas was the toughest area to examine, not just due to size, but the diagonal and spiderwebbed road network was hard to interpret. As un-forested as the western three-quarters of the state is, it still seems to have a lot of heavy terrain influences—the Caprock escarpment and drainage, Davis and Glass mountains, Canadian and Pecos River drainage... I think that some of those orange-coded areas could be raised up a notch in the road-gridding scheme if I had a chance to examine more detailed road maps of those area. It would just be really slow going.