Scott Olson
Just be an example for others in how you chase. Taking others under your wing like Kurt Hulst has done is also a good way to grandfather in responsible chasers. I don't think that getting close to a tornado is necessairly reckless though, it's just all varying degrees of choices. I was a little bit astounded on all the tripods and cars pulled over on the interstate and off-ramp on June 7th. But as others have already pointed out, chasers are rather independent souls. I also agree the majority of the problem seems to be locals rather than experienced chasers, even though it's the chaser image that is reflected by such behavior. It's pretty reasonable to assume that an incident, even if it was a local 'yahoo', would most likely reflect bad on the chase community. But, not to forget that chasers do lots of positive things such as: call in reports, meteorological/damage studies, patronize middle of nowhere joints & raise money for chairty (Storms of DVD's, Hurricane DVD's).
Scott Olson
Scott Olson