Canadian Radar

I know wxworx has data plans that have Canadian radar. I don't remember how much of Canada is covered, and I don't know where else to find it since I don't go that far North usually. However, I bet some others have a better idea than I do.
The first link from Dennis is the only place I've ever seen Canadian radar on the web. It may not be the greatest, but it sure beats what they had 5-8 years ago. Back then there were about 5 different colors for reflectivty, and they were the weirdest colors. Something like pink for weak returns then yellow and light blue. It just hurt your eyes to look at it.

If you stay near the border you can usually use the NWS radars (however you get that, web, software, etc...) pretty well.

Yeah, EC owns all the RADARs. So anything you get off of Accuweather or TWN or anywhere else is just re-packaged. I hope better stuff comes out sooner rather than later--I mean, there's a lot RADAR more info available than what's out there on the web!
I created this google earth plugin:

Right now it contains QC and ON only, I can add some more if you want.

Nice work Marc! I've been working on this myself, although in my case I was using client-side scripts to remove the background map and graphics. The PHP solution seems a bit more elegant though!

I think this approach gives you a product somewhat better than what you get from the EC website, although the radar is still low-res. Maybe someday they'll open up the data a bit...