Blizzard of 2005

Thankfully I'm just getting brushed by the southern edge of this system. I may end up with a total accumulation of 2-4". That's honestly more than I want (I'm only a fan of warm weather precip). But the temps are going to be cold. It's only 16 degrees here right now and I imagine we'll make a run toward 0 before daybreak. And that wind has really been gusty at times. This is definately a night to stay indoors and watch a little tv.

<Sigh>..............I'll really be happy to get this misery known as Winter over with and get on with Spring.

Well, here in western Kansas, sunny skies tomorrow and a high around 50. Monday, sunny skies, highs in the mid 60s! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rockwell Schrock of Cape Cod, I hope you have a camera, I and the rest of the ST community expect to see pictures of this Snowicane. 60-80mph winds with S+... are you kidding me??? :shock: :shock: Good luck out there,

Mike U

If you would be so kind, please gather everyone in Dodge City you can, face toward the east and blow as hard as you can. Maybe you can get some of that warm air over here to help us unfortunate freezing folks! :lol:

Here's an update from the front:
It's snowing. And it's windy. Too bad Jim Cantorie's plane got stuck in Chicago. I'm all over this storm, and he's out there somewhere sleeping in an airport hotel. I hope you're reading this, Jimmy boy, because your job security has just decresed in baseball-sized amounts. :p

Anyway, it's hard to get a picture of this event at the moment. Truth be told, there isn't a lot to see, since visibility is zero. I can't even tell how much has accumulated because the snow has drifted all over the place.

Here's the best my Sony DSC-S30 could muster (copy and paste URL):

Edit: Updated post to link to image, though there might be an error.
the drift outside my window is about 5 feet tall right now.

in all my memory from growing up here as a kid... I dont remember ever seeing anything close to this. And radar is still solid green.
how does snow accumulation effect radar attenuation?

Attenuation is generally not a problem with 10 cm weather radars such as the 88d.

Not to go OT, but we're learning in the developing dual-pol radar age that attenuation at 10 cm has a little more impact than we thought. Here's a case with a couple of examples:

I'll dig around (pun intended!) and see if wet snow accumulating on the radome is considered a source of attenuation. In this case, I doubt there's much of a problem because the snow is dry and powdery, so it is not likely sticking to the radome.
Coastal flooding never happened here and that dry slot killed us overnight. I've got about 7 inches of snow on the ground, with barely any drifting. Be very, very skeptical of the snowfall reports you see on tv and even from the NWS. I've seen reports that Darien has gotten 18 inches of snow. I've been to every corner of town and there aren't even 18 inch drifts.
the drift outside my window is about 6 feet now. 2-3 on the ground with some deep drifts. Not to mention the ass plowing the street left a good 5 foot bank at the foot of our driveway. thats gunna be fun.
Near the shores of beutiful Lake Anna VA, we got a grand total of one half inch snow over some sleet. What a letdown! I was looking forward to lurking through the snow with some hot buttered rum.