Haha I'm sorry, but I just cannot fathom spending more than $100 on that piece of junk. I was briefly excited about it, but then I realized that it was the brain child of a drunken party at Apple HQ. "Duuuude. Would *hick* wouldn't it be awesome if weh *hick* we just made a really BIG iPhone, except without all the stuff that makes the iPhone useful? *hick*"
I refer to it as the 'iTampon'. The cons list is just enormous, and growing every day.
No camera
No removable battery
No expandable hard drive/memory card
No USB (ZERO ability to connect external devices such as video cameras)
No ability to install anything but worthless App Store software
No keyboard if you wanted it
Battery life is no better than a netbook
Backlit screen, so it sucks as an ebook reader
So basically, its a netbook that costs twice as much as any other netbook, and can do half as much. It's a kindle that sucks for reading ebooks. I honestly thought the first press release I saw for it was a joke perpetrated by the tech blog I was reading. I haven't stopped laughing yet...
Want touch screen that doesn't suck? Buy a $300 netbook and one of
THESE. You'll still be $200 in the black, and performance wise, it will kick the crap out of an iPad.