D. Hayes
I'll just wait for dell's android pad coming out soon.
If you can't multitask you can't have more than one program running at once. So it's only the calculator, it's only the email, it's only web, it's only MP3. Nothing can run in the background.
Sure you can! I open up email, get a message with a link I want, click it, Safari opens up with that page in the browser, I go back to the homepage and click 'email' and I'm back at that very message, and then I can go to the homepage and click 'safari' and I'm back at that website.So you can't just open email from the web browser and go back to where you were.
emphasis mine.How great would it be if this thing had a firewire or USB port? Hell, even an SD card reader would help. I was hoping there would be a way I could dump video footage on to it, chop it up with a quick edit app and then bounce it straight to my website while still out on the chase. This thing is going to evolve much like the iPod did where the first model was a 5gig black and white screen and just look at it now. I was hoping for an immediate splash like the iPhone was.
It's okay though, I consider it a work in progress.
Yeah this thing will be hacked and cracked by the time it hits the market. Apple already released the SDK so people are already hard at work on it. It's too bad you have to do that to get it to do the things you want, which is part of the reason why I ditched my iPhone and went to Android. No doubt though, future versions will improve and hopefully Apple will loosen the reins a bit and give users at least some control over their own devices. And just for humor's sake:emphasis mine.
I have a lot of hope for it, too. Right now, I am a Skywarn spotter...the chaser (and meteorologist, I hope!!!) is coming soon enough...and I do see the utility for tracking storms, what with weather apps, gps and communications capabilities. I like how the iPhone works, in general, and I think I will like the iPad. Much more oomph will be welcome.
Hacking and jail breaking?
Has the same GPS setup as the iPhone I'm pretty sure....pretty similar at least, but definitely included.Anybody notice if it has a GPS in it? That could be the deal breaker for chasers.