Another chaser disease identified


That's actually pretty good. Currently being a sufferer of your newest disease discovery after this past weekend, I appreciate your taking the time to identify it to the masses so I can stop worry about what's wrong with me!

Only one thing - it's perfectly possible to suffer from TB without having hung out with tornadic supercells all day long. I can attest to that. Or - would this be yet another new condition? 'Cause that's actually more akin to what I've got right now....

Yes - there is a subset to this disease by chasers who have sat in front of their computers all day with 12 simultaneous browser windows open watching an outbreak happen. Unable to break away from the constant mesmerizing imagery of hook echos, velocity couplets, live storm reports and warning texts, this disease will often affect the chaser's motivation of chasing the same system when it affects him/her the next day :lol:
Yes - there is a subset to this disease by chasers who have sat in front of their computers all day with 12 simultaneous browser windows open watching an outbreak happen. Unable to break away from the constant mesmerizing imagery of hook echos, velocity couplets, live storm reports and warning texts, this disease will often affect the chaser's motivation of chasing the same system when it affects him/her the next day :lol:
Ha! This was me yesterday (3/12). Fourteen hours of straight nowcasting really hurts the brain.

...Life is large weather...