Tim, as a friend, I for one will be sad to see you go as Admin/Owner. It is the end of an era, and you have held the reigns and protected the archives, and interest in our community. Thank you so much for taking on this task all these years, which I am sure has been difficult at times! I've always appreciated the StormTrack community and the storm chaser community and the two are much the same. While you will no longer be Admin/Owner it certainly is some consolation that you will remain a contributing chase community member, and I look forward to your contributions and zeal for severe weather meteorology as well as our social chaser community. May you prosper in your future endeavors!
Steve Miller (OK), welcome aboard as the new Admin/Owner! I'm looking forward to what StormTrack may become though your strengths, commitment, and energy in the future. I'm pretty sure you are a solid good choice to take over the reigns. Best of luck Steve, and enjoy playing around, planning, and growing the new StormTrack!