8/15/05 FCST: Tropical Storm Irene (extratropical)

Irene does not look healthy at this time, with most -if not all- of the deep convection is located to the SW of the center, though curved bands of showers exist to the east. Irene is also running out of time to strengthen before cooler SSTs and increasing shear become major players. There is good news for those along the eastern seaboard in the ridge axis shifting eastward, allowing for an earlier recurvature to the NNW/N and with strong westerlies located over srn New England, Irene should begin to turn away from the coast in the next day or so.
Irene looks absolutely fantastic on satellite right now. Circular outflow is good in all quadrants and a CDO eye-like feature is appearing in the visible satellite image. I would have a hard time believing that Irene will not become our third hurricane at 21z.
Irene has been throwing some amazing swell back at the Jersey shore the past few days. The only problem is that it mixed up some cold water and the sea temps dropped from 80 to 65 right along the shore. Buoys 20 miles offshore are still reporting upper 70's.