I just got back from a 4.5hr crap chase around southeast MI... I left shortly after 4pm, when convection started to initiate along I94 towards the Marshall area. So, I take I94 west to the developing convection (along the warm front)... I reach Ann Arbor and start scanning on FM radio stations and finally hear a warning (a tornado warning for Calhoun county) about an hour to my west. Then, I hear radio station coverage (87.7? Not sure... Rob Dale was on it briefly, so he can probably say what station it was) which was, of course, generally unprofessional (with the person talking like a general idiot) and didn't do me any good. Warnings flying south of I94, and by then, I'm already past Jackson (with my only route south Hwy 127) and hear the Lenawee Co tornado warning -- which noted 'moving east at 45mph' (it felt like the March crap all over again).
I also rammed into the SVR-warned Jackson cell, which had a base a mile high (a piece of absolute crap) and inflow well above the now rain-cooled, stabilized boundary layer and gave me nothing but heavy rains. I'm quite interested in seeing any photographic evidence of the 'tornado touchdowns'. For that matter, someone was reporting a funnel somewhere around the Marshall area, and I heard Rob Dale say on the one station it was low-hanging clouds on the back side of the storm (IIRC), and the bases I saw were pieces of crap, and knowing the Michigan public (and spotters for that matter) -- they probably weren't tornadoes... So, I'd love to see pics!
So, there I went again... Giving the 2006 s##t season an additional $20 of my hard earned cash (and a couple additional hundred miles on my damn car) and a solid day of my life to monitoring and chasing this crap year. From 3-counties from my home, to North-f!#$ing-Dakota, this season has been absolute crap, and it shows no signs of stopping whatsoever (thank God I didn't drive to DMX yesterday like I originally planned) and after >14,000 miles of chasing this crap,