5/23/06 NOW: KS / NE / SD

Just as a position update... Me and my crew are sitting just west of Mankato KS right now (in western Jewell county). The updrafts look pretty skinny right now, and anvils aren't very impressive. Actually, there is a little mammatus developing with a cell to our southwest. We're planning on heading east towards Mankato again, then dropping south a little to wait for the cell in east-central Osborn county KS to approach.
Chased a bunch today...of um...clouds. Started in North Platte, and am calling it a day in O'Neil, Nebraska.

Just was looking at the latest satellite and radar. Looks like prefrontal cells are firing in N KS, and for the moment they're discrete. However, the cold front appears to be kicking tail eastward, but if I could warp anywhere right now, it would probably be on the inflow on the storm forming in Marshall or Washington counties. One cell appears hookish, but otherwise, the satellite shows things to really be congealing rapidly.
Ouch...sorry I jinxed you guys in KS. Last couple of scans show outflow appearance to those cells. Looks like the front is undercutting some of the prefrontal storms and everything looks like it's moving into a linear chain of gunk. All cells are hauling NNE to join the rest of the gunk here in Nebraska. Worse, the KS cells are entering the inflow to the cells in Grand Island, NE, and will likely choke off any tail-end storms forming in that area.