5/17/04 NOW KS,NE,IA,CO

Tornado warning for that storm east of Russell, KS, just north of I-70.

A friend on the ground there SW of the storm is getting hail (quarter size). He can't see below the storm. Says if there's something there, it's wrapped in rain. The dbz has gone up 7 dbz in ten minutes.

Anyone else have a better view of the storm?

How am I viewing them - the dbz?

I'm reading them on weathertap. The radar images have a max dbz, and color vs dbz scale as well. Also, in RadarLab, it has the dbz of each cell. Excellent stuff.

ya that cell is really nice in CO, im not sure if anyone is on it, but I think I remember a few saying they were chasing in CO today.
You talkin to me Dan? If so Im just using thr IE webpage link browser. I try to right click then save as but it doesnt have that option.
Saving images

One way of saving a image of the computer screen when it's showing an image you want is to use the Print Screen key. On some keyboard it's called PRT SCR - top right of the keyboard.

After you push the button, go open the Microsoft Paint program (Start/programs/Accessories). Then "Paste" the image (Edit/Paste). The entire screen will be there. A bit involved, I know, but it works.

Then you can crop the image and save it in a variety of format. (BMP takes a lot of space, btw)

Good luck - iaflyer
Originally posted by Alexander Wall
Tornado warning for that storm east of Russell, KS, just north of I-70.

A friend on the ground there SW of the storm is getting hail (quarter size). He can't see below the storm. Says if there's something there, it's wrapped in rain. The dbz has gone up 7 dbz in ten minutes.

Anyone else have a better view of the storm?


Sounds like someone was SERIOUSLY out of position. Ourselves and about a hundred other chasers had an awesome view sitting along I70 of the base and rotation.