4/9/09 FCST: TX / OK / KS / AR / MO

Chase Target for Thursday, April 9

Chase target:
Vinita, OK (45 miles northeast of Tulsa).

Timing and storm mode:
Elevated storms will approach the area from the west, while becoming surface-based after 5 PM CDT. Storms will then fire along an arc from northwest to southeast after 5 PM CDT, with capping limiting the extent of southward development in eastern OK. The “tail-end Charlie” may be the storm of choice, with storm motion towards the northeast at 30 mph. All modes of severe weather appear likely, including a tornado or two.

An open ULVL wave currently over NV/UT will translate SE into OK on Thursday. Cold air aloft is associated with this system, with a -27C H5 cold-core located just N of Las Vegas at 00Z. At the SFC, low-pressure will track E along the OK/KS border with a WF extending E and SE from this feature. A DL will develop S from the low while a CF overtakes the DL from N to S after 03Z, 04/10/09.

CI will blanket eastern OK during the morning, while spreading E of the area by mid-afternoon, allowing for SFC heating to take place. Warm temperatures in the mid-levels will inhibit convection until late in the day, after which the upper-system approaches with cooling the H7-H5 layer and steepening mid-level lapse rates to 8C/km. A N/S oriented band of CU will develop along and E of I-75 in northeastern OK by 21Z. Elevated convection will spread into SERN KS by mid-afternoon, and become SFC-based by 23Z near the DL/WF triple point in about 40 miles NW of Joplin. Additional convection will fire by 00Z further S along the DL E of Tulsa.

Moisture availability is an obvious concern, with 00Z SFC dewpoints around 30F over much of OK. At 04Z, however, a nose of 50F SFC dewpoints have nosed into the Red River area along I35 which brings things into line with current NAM and GFS guidance. Overnight, the LLJ increases to 50kt with H85 dewpoints rising to 10C by 12Z in NERN OK. By late afternoon, MLCAPEs should increase to nearly 2000J/kg as SFC dewpoints rise into the low-60’s. Shear parameters will support a full spectrum of SVR WX, with SFC-6km deep-layer shear increasing to 60kts as a 70kt H5 streak rounds the trough base. Large clockwise hodograph curvatures along with LCL’s in the 1000m AGL range will support a tornado risk through 00Z, after which a nose of dry air at H7 in NERN OK which will weaken updrafts and raise cloud heights. Storm mode will likely transition to linear as forcing and CIN increase.

- Bill
11:20 PM CDT, 04/08/09
My thinking is pretty much dead on with Jeff's. I wrote a little on my blog if you care.
I still think the I40 area is being under rated. If you can get a discrete storm off the dryline in that area I think the tornado potential will be fairly high with it as it tracks northeastward, especially in the late evening when a strong tornado or two would be possible.
As Jeff mentioned and I talked about in my last forecast, that area is not an option due to horrible terrain and road networks. From a storm chasing perspective the surface low warm front area is the best bet. I have mixed feelings about this area and I haven't spent much time forecasting today so I plan on getting it all figured out tomorrow when I have plenty of time and more accurate data. Our plan right now is to leave Wichita at 11:30 and head east to Fredonia. We'll stop their if I'm not getting a good signla on my aircard (I should get a good signal now with my amp though). They have wifi at the hotel there. If my signal is OK we will keep heading southeast from there. I'll update my blog with my exact target tomorrow morning. Good luck to everybody who is heading out.
I agree with Jeff too: taking a look to WRF-NMM it appears that the triple point is pushed a little bit south in NE Ok compared with yesterday run. Moreover the best source of mid level flow as well as LLJ did push more to the southest.
At any rate in my opionion the best spot remains still NE OK, so that I would start off along I 44 maybe in Vinita where there's a good road option and see what happen with the next updates.

Ruc is different from NMM-WRF and the low is centered in south central KS: that's the reason why SPC issued a MDT risk in and a 10-15 % risk for South-centr and South-East Ks. Very nice low level hodographs for Ruc. At this point I'm anxious to see WRF new update.
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I wish this setup was west of I 35. For those that have not chased around the Vinita area and NE of that location the road network is HORRIBLE and the terrain is very hilly. Nonetheless, can't let a setup like this go with out getting out there. Good luck to all.
I can't chase this setup. But if I could I'd position myself in Oswego or Chetopa, Kansas (southeast Kansas) wating for a possible re-position, depending on how fast the dryline mixes east and how far north the warm front lifts. Otherwise I'd just be waiting for storms to fire just to my west and southwest along the dryline.

The terrain is decent over extreme southeast Kansas and extreme northeast Oklahoma. It's gets pretty bad shortly after entering Missouri. The road network is terrible once you enter Missouri.

With a 30-35mph storm motion to the northeast/north-northeast, I think the storms will begin producing tornadoes before entering Missouri.

There's also the cold core setup over south central Kansas that should yield tornadoes as well. Quite an interesting setup.
The plan for me is to chase the cold core setup somewhere in the general vicinity of Wichita. The plan is to leave Norman at 10:30ish and head North to Wichita and then readjust from there based upon surface and satellite data. I want to be in position by 1...so all decisions are going to have to be made as I move. Chasing cold core means you have to be in the right place at the right time since the duration of the events is small enough that you could end up missing the entire show by the time you were able to adjust by a county or more.

Cell network drops off fast to being almost nonexistent for my At&t self outside of Wichita, so this might be a day of old school chasing once I leave the interstate :)

EDIT: Thanks Mike! Although I must admit I'm fully expecting to probably be W of 35 today chasing the cold core...but these things can and do change ;)

EDIT EDIT: As always, I know a lot of you guys are following me on Twitter...but I plan to use it again today as time permits to post pics and such. So follow me on there at: http://www.twitter.com/chrissnr
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Date Changed To 09*

If I can get out of here I would certainly look at Northeast Oklahoma along with many others, and try to co locate the best potential and best road network.

I will soon be looking through the 12z soundings, and see just what the moisture profiles are. I was worried aboout models overdoing moisture and having it mix out in the afternoon.. That remains to be seen.

I would probably head to Coffeyville, KS at least for prelim... Triple point will be set up near by, and the H5 Vort Max and I would likely try to play warm front, as I see some good tornado potential there..

Good Luck All..
Wow, looks like the latest RUC run has the 850mb low and the surface low deepening further and even slowing down its eastward progression some. By 00z, has surface low at 987mb and centered invo Blackwell.

Moisture advection actually looks like it's proceeding decently, looking at the 3-hr. td changes per the Oklahoma mesonet.

That latest RUC run has CAPE to 3,000 j/kg right up to the OK/KS border by 00z.

Looks like a little arc from Bartlesville to Caney to Sedan would be a favorable target area to set up later this afternoon.
I am looking at the same data Mike and I agree. I have been watching the mesonet all morning and what I see there is verifying what I am seeing on the RUC run as well. I have been looking at the road networks and anything east of I44 is bad news. I think Bartlesville is my current target as the road network is pretty good and with the expected storm motions we should be able to follow anything up into SE KS.

I plan on leaving Tulsa around 2PM.
Looking at the latest SPC outlook, the MOD risk is still on, but they eliminated all risks for tornado, wind and hail...?? Must be an oversight. I haven't looked at much data but from what I've seen, given the marginal cape/moisture values, with deep layer shear and astounding lapse rates. My guess is from Carthage, MO. west to possibly as far as Wichita. Cold core set up around Kingman to McPherson is another spot.
Good day,

Looking at the latest SPC outlook, the MOD risk is still on, but they eliminated all risks for tornado, wind and hail...?? Must be an oversight.

The TOR prob is still 15% ... I just looked at it.

Stuck here in Miami "desk chasing" since tix out of here are still in the $1000 (if you can find one) thanks to Spring break.

The big negative on this event will be the terrain - DeQueen, Arkansas forest chase anyone?
Good day,

The TOR prob is still 15% ... I just looked at it.

Stuck here in Miami "desk chasing" since tix out of here are still in the $1000 (if you can find one) thanks to Spring break.

The big negative on this event will be the terrain - DeQueen, Arkansas forest chase anyone?

My bad... for some reason, I had to hit refresh to get the cat. risks..strange.
I noticed that the RUC has darn near 3500 j/kg. capes streaming up across eastern Okla. if this verifies.. this will be a significant day. I just may head out after all. Preliminary target is between Bartlesville to Ponca City.. if I do this.

Moisture really roaring north east of the DL now, my thinking is that by 22Z, we should see cells starting to fire east of US 75.. I think after reviewing more RUC data.. the projected cape values are more in line with 2500 j/kg. not 3500. Still, with mid level lapse rates, over 300 m/s helicities and the cape... we will see at least a couple of TOR warned storms by the aforementioned time.
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Sat. showing Bubbling CU along the DL in OK, looks like a some sort of boundary or moisture axis separating the upper mid 50 dp's from the low 60 dews is oriented in somewhat of a W-E fashion across E OK. I currently like the Ada-Atoka-McAlester triagnle area for storm initaition. The WF nearer the KS border looks to be a money play as well...