Originally posted by Jonathan Merage
I'm based out of Lafayette, IN, (Purdue U.) and based on current model ouput, especially the most recent ETA, my prime target location is definitely southern IA. According to the 12Z ETA, all areas around DSM will have the highest CAPEs (~3000 J/kg), with the best mix of deep-level moisture and frontal lift right around there on Sat, not to mention LIs down to -8!!. ETA also projects that area to be in the right-exit quadrant of a decent jet streak, which will provide the upper-level support the supercells need once they get started. As far as the central & Southern Plains are concerned, good LUCK to all chasers headed out there! Even with a fairly potent dryline, assuming CI starts up on Sat., the CAP's gonna make targeting the right cells a chore!
I'm going to base myself somewhere in western IA and wait for the warm-front to come through,Jon