3/30/2006 REPORTS: KS,NE,OK,TX

The Sherman supercell was the last storm of the night along the dryline in North Texas. It was about 14 miles from my house, so my wife and I took a ride up Preston Road from Celina to intercept. The wall cloud was persistent, but hard to tell if it dropped anything. The last shot is an interesting 30 second exposure. Not sure if that's low scud or circulation on the ground without a visible funnel. In any case, it was great chasing so close to home.



Chased this day with Justin Walker, Brandon Lawson, Jeff Snyder, and Jana Lesak. Saw 5 supercells in almost 7 hours of pure chasing! No tornadoes, but excellent storm structure.

My chase summary and a few images can be found on my blog..

I as well had a pretty good chase day. I was on the cell that moved over Ada, Oklahoma in to Ft. Smith. It had some decent rotation with it. [sarcasm] Oh, and btw, I just love starring at the side of mountains , nothing like a good tall tree line or a well placed hill to enhance my fun on a good chase. [/sarcasm]

You can find a full report of my chase on my blog.

Hey Brian, what does your chase vehicle look like? I was in that green Jeep with the light bar on top and the Skywarn magnets on the side. I would be surprised if we didn't pass by each other at one point.