Jeff Smith
If someone knows how long you can turn it off for please let me know.
You can turn it off and back on indefinitely, but when you turn it on it will no longer be unlimited. Just fought them on this a couple of weeks ago.
If someone knows how long you can turn it off for please let me know.
Last year I upgraded my camcorder to a Panasonic HC-X920 - very nice quality. It takes reasonable stills but I want to get a digital camera for exclusively taking pics. I don't think I'll do DSLR for the time being, as I don't think it'll ultimately be worth it, unless I really start to get into stills photography more than just the 2 weeks chasing per year.
I also got a heavier tripod last year - I made sure I used it a lot more - the new camcorder also does timelapse, so I got to do a lot of that, rather than using up hours of SD card and then speeding it up!
I'm toying with what do use my GoPro2 for this year - the last few years have seen me use it to take stills every 10 seconds throughout the chase day, facing forwards. This is great for looking back at a whole day's chasing, but having to change the battery every 2 hours, download all the stills, etc etc, means it's a bit of a bind, and I don't always look back at the stuff. I might use it purely for video once the chase is getting interesting.
Other than that I'll use the Baron system as usual, as a backup - I know it's rarely need these days (I rent a Verizon 4G MiFi for the trip) but it's nice to have it, just in case.
I also used my iPad and RadarScope last year - really liked that, especially being able to quickly open it up and get the radar, wherever I was at the time (e.g. eating, at night in the motel, etc) - no waiting around for it to boot like a laptop.
Also upgraded to the latest DeLorme maps last year.
I purchased an Asus 11.6" notebook computer to replace my old mini Dell, and I will be upgrading to Grlevel3 version 2. Had a heck of a time researching if the asus was well enough equiped to handle radar and mapping software. For instance, on the Grlevelx site it says your computer needs a pentium or equivalent processor. How do you know what is equivalent? This one has a celeron I believe, and i finally found someone saying in the owners forums they had an older computer with a celeron processor and said it worked fine. Anyhow I went with it, even though I'm still not sure if the graphics card supports smoothing.... which I don't really care about. Hope to have it fixed up with all the software and a DC power converter soon if everything goes smoothly. Someone just tell me what antivirus to get! Trying to figure out which is good or not is worse than getting a virus... has to be. Now that COD has 4km Nam and HRRR, I'm thinking GRlevel3 and delorme and the COD site will be all this little computer will have to do.
I tried aquapel once. Had the same experience as most others. The water does not run off nearly as well. I use rain X and hardly ever run my wipers. Usually swipe some towels from a fast food resturaunt bathroom and wipe it on before every chase. I'm sure everyone knows this, but the original rainX is what you want. The cleaner and wiper fluid is different stuff.
Also, I've seen others stating aircards were breaking the usb ports, so I've always run a cord from my laptop to the card. Hope that's an easy fix.
I would love to add additional hail protection to some of my glass and lights but that is looking to be a little too involved to get done this year.