2014 Equipment Upgrades?

Milenicom should work just fine with a Cradlepoint mobile router like a COR IBR600LE VZ or an MBR 1400 like mine, just insert a Milenicom SIMM and turn it on!

If you do try Aquapel, let us know how that goes.

I've been a Rain-X fan throughout my chasing years, but the only downside is it needs to be applied constantly during chase season. As long as I buff it well right after application and then wipe it off with wet paper towels 5 minutes later, I haven't really had any issues with smearing. Are you using the spray bottle, or the windshield wiper fluid? I've only used the direct spray type.

I had problems with the spray bottle applicator, and I originally thought I botched the buffing of the windshield but the next application did the exact same thing. I'm more interested in Aquapel from a financial standpoint (lasting more than a month). I'll definitely give a report after I apply it and Norman actually gets some measurable precip.
If you do try Aquapel, let us know how that goes.

I've been a Rain-X fan throughout my chasing years, but the only downside is it needs to be applied constantly during chase season. As long as I buff it well right after application and then wipe it off with wet paper towels 5 minutes later, I haven't really had any issues with smearing. Are you using the spray bottle, or the windshield wiper fluid? I've only used the direct spray type.

Aquapel is supposed to last much longer, but I've read a lot of reviews that say it's also a little less effective (e.g., if Rain-X starts working well at 40 mph, Aquapel is more like 50-60 mph). Once you apply Aquapel, you kind of have to stick with it and avoid Rain-X until it wears off, too. Any other opinions/experiences from Aquapel users would be great, BTW.

I used Aquapel on my windshield last chase season and noticed exactly what you commented..that at speeds less than 50 mph or so, the rain doesn't slick off like it does with rain-x. I'm back to rain-x.

As far as other upgrades, call me a late starter but I'm upgrading my GR level 3 to 2.0...only downside to the software is all the added graphics chews up the bandwidth pretty fast. I've vexed back and forth and heard good and bad feedback about the wxworx/threatnet system...not sure about that this year...maybe next year...or is there something else that's coming up that will change the game as far as cell coverage goes?
I used Aquapel on my windshield last chase season and noticed exactly what you commented..that at speeds less than 50 mph or so, the rain doesn't slick off like it does with rain-x. I'm back to rain-x.

I switched to Aquapel last season after hearing rave reviews about it compared to Rain-X. It seemed to work, although I'd have to do the windshield half in Aquapel and the other half in Rain-X to really see which works better. I actually don't like that you apply Aquapel less often, even if it does last longer. I feel like the stuff slowly wears off or that I can't clean the windshield proprely without contributing to it wearing off, and then you aren't supposed to apply it all the time...

I like being able to clean the windshield really well and put a fresh coat of Rain-X on before each chase. The water really beads up and rolls remarkably well right after the Rain-X is applied. I also apply Rain-X by wiping a couple coats onto the windshield with a rag and then buffing it off rather than just spraying it on.

As far as other upgrades, call me a late starter but I'm upgrading my GR level 3 to 2.0...only downside to the software is all the added graphics chews up the bandwidth pretty fast.

It's downloading the same radar scans so GrLevel3 v2 should not be using additional bandwidth. In fact, it should be using less bandwidth since you can no longer open multiple products in different tabs. That's actually a sore spot for many chasers.

If you meant memory instead of bandwidth, yes it's possible v2 could eat more memory if you're using the bitmap backgrounds. A modern laptop should be able to handle that no problem though. The software the current version is based on is almost 10 years old now, so it's not like you should need the latest high performance machine to run it.

I've vexed back and forth and heard good and bad feedback about the wxworx/threatnet system...not sure about that this year...maybe next year...or is there something else that's coming up that will change the game as far as cell coverage goes?

Baron's satellite radar has changed little in over a decade. It's antiquated stuff compared to advances in cell coverage and software. In 2006, ThreatNet was hot stuff when you'd be lucky to get dialup speed equivalent cell data and when there were huge holes in the cell network in the plains. By 2010, I think chasers were using ThreatNet mainly as a backup in case they had an equipment failure or were chasing a corner of the plains that didn't have 3G coverage. In 2014, Verizon has blanketed much of the plains in high speed 4G making it possible to stream HD video and use level 2 radar reliably in many places. However, Baron's radar graphics are still fixed in time from a decade ago. The software is antiquated and buggy, the radar is a low resolution composite, and it's still a steep monthly fee to get the data. Many have sold their satellite receivers and gone exclusively to cell data.


I have never had a problem with Rain-X as long as it has been applied properly. It's pretty simple...it says how to do so right on the bottle. I think the mistake otehrs make is not buffing it or not cleaning the windshield before applying it. I swear to Rain-X and see no reason to ever use anything else (unless something cheaper requiring less effort to apply ever comes on the market). I have yet to see a better product.
I switched from Sprint (finally) over to Verizon (VZW) a few days ago and I wish I hadn't procrastinated so long. I'd like to keep the Sprint 3G only card for load balancing and as a backup, but I'm not sure if I could just turn it on during chase season and off for the rest of the year. If someone knows how long you can turn it off for please let me know. I have a VZW UML290 modem with blazing fast LTE service now, which should be fun to check out this year. I pay for Comcast Blast! service a for our home internet and all kidding aside the LTE bandwidth is roughly half the speed of our cable service, which has me thinking about cutting the cable at some point down the road to save a few quid.

I am in the market for a new Cradlepoint router now as my CTR 500 is getting kind of old and the new units appear to have everything and then some, including internal modems. I hope the LTE amplifiers from Maximum Signal hit the market this year as I'll upgrade as soon as they become available. Any word from the FCC yet on that subject Gordon?

I also have Radarscope on my iPad mini, which is also on the Verizon plan. I plan to take it along and check it out this year just for portability's sake if nothing else. I scored an HTC One with the move to VZW and I have PYKL3 on it so I'm sporting all kinds of new goodies now that I reflect a little.

The last thing I use is a data subscription to AH so I have reliable data for all my devices. This isn't new for me but is worth mentioning since it affords all kinds of perks with place files and so forth. I still use GRL3 version 1 but it has all the enhancements you can buy as add-ons, so I'll stick with that for another year. All in all I'm pretty stoked about this year and hope it's an active year. Best of luck to everyone this year!
For those talking Aquapel vs. Rain-X...

I started using Aquapel a couple years ago, and there's no way I'd go back to Rain-X! I found with Rain-X that as soon as I got into heavy rain and had the wipers on for 20 minutes, it was all wiped off. Aquapel stays on for months, but you do have to keep fresh wipers on. I do use Rain-X Latitude blades. You have to have blades with a continuous, even contact with the windshield, otherwise it'll just smear the water instead of wiping it. Rain-X does make the water fly off the windshield more, but it just doesn't stay on long enough to be of much benefit, IMO. A while back, my buddy was in the car with me through the rain, and he commented, "your windshield is awesome!"
I found that Rain-X 2 in 1 Windshield wiper fluid repels water pretty well so I use that these days. I just give it a shot whenever I think it needs it and it does a great job.
Well, it sounds like the consensus is similar to what I've read elsewhere: Aquapel lasts much longer, but is slightly less effective than freshly-applied Rain X.

It really comes down to convenience vs. performance, then. Like Skip, I have a ritual of applying Rain X before just about every chase day. I would love only having to apply it once a month, but if the tradeoff is even a 30% reduction in effectiveness during tense driving situations, I'll stick with the tried-and-true.

I really hate using my wipers, though, so that's probably the driving factor. If you use your wipers regularly and just want a little extra help, Aquapel is probably perfect.
Aquapel went on like a charm. The application wasn't the problem for Rain-X though. I'm not a novice when it comes to automotive care and I used professional grade glass cleaner before the application of Rain-X. Even after pretty firm and consistent buffing it still smeared enough to be annoying.

On Aquapel though, we applied it and buffed it out. No smearing whatsoever, and the moving test we did with it went pretty well. Rain-X seems a bit more effective in actually getting the water to roll off, but Aquapel definitely held its own.
With the addition of the Grand Cherokee, I am going to be upgrading, and actually setting the car up proper. My Ram was a hodge-podge of crap thrown in, and velcroed down, and it was somewhat annoying.

I wanted a laptop mount for it, but we're big boys, and I can tell that when someone is sitting in the passenger seat, there will be no room for a laptop mount, or more importantly, vice versa. So, I'm looking at various options to get past that. I want to upgrade to a couple of in-car cameras, plus a decent power inverter system.

Other than just basically organizing, my plan is to get out, see some storms, and enjoy this year, as I had a whole two days of chase season last year!

Need to finally get a laptop mount. Will likely chase with a 2000 Subaru Outback. Need to find providers for this product yet, ram-mount didn't seem to make anything for that year/model. (though I suppose other years may work)

Going to sell my canon t3i and other canon gear -- went Nikon full frame and don't want mixed systems. Used the t3i to run video last year, so need to pick up something to replace it. Rather enamoured with the idea of 4k video, but don't know if it'll work out this year or not.

Really wish there was a solution that allowed you to take stills without interrupting video out there.
Need to finally get a laptop mount. Will likely chase with a 2000 Subaru Outback. Need to find providers for this product yet, ram-mount didn't seem to make anything for that year/model. (though I suppose other years may work)

Going to sell my canon t3i and other canon gear -- went Nikon full frame and don't want mixed systems. Used the t3i to run video last year, so need to pick up something to replace it. Rather enamoured with the idea of 4k video, but don't know if it'll work out this year or not.

Really wish there was a solution that allowed you to take stills without interrupting video out there.

Regarding the laptop mount, I have the same issue with (of all vehicles) my Grand Cherokee. Ram does make a drill-type universal, but that involves some slightly destructive methods, and some may not be comfortable with drilling holes in the floor of the car.

My next plan of attack is to study the design of the Ram, and fabricate my own seat base, I'm not sure if you are, or have any one close by that is handy, but that's always an option.

Bought a GoPro Hero 3 and a new tripod with my tax return. Next step is a new DSLR, which may or may not happen before chase season.
Last year I upgraded my camcorder to a Panasonic HC-X920 - very nice quality. It takes reasonable stills but I want to get a digital camera for exclusively taking pics. I don't think I'll do DSLR for the time being, as I don't think it'll ultimately be worth it, unless I really start to get into stills photography more than just the 2 weeks chasing per year.

I also got a heavier tripod last year - I made sure I used it a lot more - the new camcorder also does timelapse, so I got to do a lot of that, rather than using up hours of SD card and then speeding it up!

I'm toying with what do use my GoPro2 for this year - the last few years have seen me use it to take stills every 10 seconds throughout the chase day, facing forwards. This is great for looking back at a whole day's chasing, but having to change the battery every 2 hours, download all the stills, etc etc, means it's a bit of a bind, and I don't always look back at the stuff. I might use it purely for video once the chase is getting interesting.

Other than that I'll use the Baron system as usual, as a backup - I know it's rarely need these days (I rent a Verizon 4G MiFi for the trip) but it's nice to have it, just in case.

I also used my iPad and RadarScope last year - really liked that, especially being able to quickly open it up and get the radar, wherever I was at the time (e.g. eating, at night in the motel, etc) - no waiting around for it to boot like a laptop.

Also upgraded to the latest DeLorme maps last year.