• After witnessing the continued decrease of involvement in the SpotterNetwork staff in serving SN members with troubleshooting issues recently, I have unilaterally decided to terminate the relationship between SpotterNetwork's support and Stormtrack. I have witnessed multiple users unable to receive support weeks after initiating help threads on the forum. I find this lack of response from SpotterNetwork officials disappointing and a failure to hold up their end of the agreement that was made years ago, before I took over management of this site. In my opinion, having Stormtrack users sit and wait for so long to receive help on SpotterNetwork issues on the Stormtrack forums reflects poorly not only on SpotterNetwork, but on Stormtrack and (by association) me as well. Since the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, I no longer wish for the Stormtrack forum to be associated with SpotterNetwork.

    I apologize to those who continue to have issues with the service and continue to see their issues left unaddressed. Please understand that the connection between ST and SN was put in place long before I had any say over it. But now that I am the "captain of this ship," it is within my right (nay, duty) to make adjustments as I see necessary. Ending this relationship is such an adjustment.

    For those who continue to need help, I recommend navigating a web browswer to SpotterNetwork's About page, and seeking the individuals listed on that page for all further inquiries about SpotterNetwork.

    From this moment forward, the SpotterNetwork sub-forum has been hidden/deleted and there will be no assurance that any SpotterNetwork issues brought up in any of Stormtrack's other sub-forums will be addressed. Do not rely on Stormtrack for help with SpotterNetwork issues.

    Sincerely, Jeff D.

2005 #stormtalk guest chat discussion

Sounds like good problem solving, George ... I read through the transcript and it is really valuable to be able to chat with folks like Dr. Wurman - so don't give up on the idea yet ... I can honestly say that I've been there, and it's impossible to make everyone happy ... so just remember that the value of the experience really outweighs any headaches. Good work -
Thanks for all the kind words. If I wasn't such a perfectionist when it comes to everything, I wouldn't have taken this all so personally. But since it was me who invited all of these guests to join us, I just wanted it to go well for everyone. I guess it is true that you can't please everyone. But I sure would like to try. Hopefully leaving the regular room as it is and using #stormtalk specifically for guest chats will come as close to making the situation "perfect" as possible.

And to everyone else reading this thread for logs, etc, I apologize for this getting a bit off topic.

Honestly, I think everyone enjoys them BUT the ones who can't handle the way some chat at times(and we can't even chat during the guest, lol). It should be TOUGH for them, not any regular when it is during normal chatting with no guest. If we have to act properly before guests show up, I am just thinking those of us that enjoy jokes and having fun will skip guest nights.

We all know each other. We are all friends. People will get upset when you cater to someone who is never there by kicking them out before a guest even gets there. Why would that even be considered when you can just not voice them (they weren't that out of line)? I guess it should be ok when someone like Greg here complains. We weren't made to be able to make everyone happy. I would certainly be more concerned with the regular than someone that isn't even there to talk with you (he's complaining...).

Actually, Mike, I HAVE made an effort to participate in the #ST chat.

The only problem is that no one seems to get around to talking about weather. Instead, it's an endless stream of sports, politics, etc. Not much diferent from the Everything Else forum here. It's a virtual pub, something I don't have any particular use for. Heck you're REAL lucky, EF will drop by and make his usual repeated, explicit, sexual comments. (I'll spare anyone reading this a direct quote.) His 'contributions' are apparently considered 'normal' and acceptable. (Ever wonder why the female chasers choose not to hang out with your fun little bunch?)

Wowwie! What fun! <not>

For some reason, you seem to resent those who don't hang out in #ST and share the 'fun.' Well, that's your problem, not mine.

I bet Greg didn't like my joke about, "maybe he's rubbing against the doppler"(while wondering where our 8:00 speaker was). It probably "hit a nerve" and steamed him.

No, I got it. It even have me a mild chuckle. I can't believe you don't see the VAST difference between the usual PG-13 ribbing that occurs in any chat room, and having several people talking about "F.. b..'s" But then maybe I'm just a stuffy old fuddy who "can't take a joke," eh?

Perhaps you've never had a bad day? Never been distracted by troubled relationships and finances? I freely admit that I came to the chat in a less than Prozac mood. What I found there sure didn't help. I was looking for a fun, informative, discussion. Instead I found a shower of vulgar behavior and language. Yea, I reacted badly. S**t happens. In the end you either accept my apology or don't. Simple as that.

So EF likes cows, what's the big deal?

I'm by no means what I would call a regular in the chat room, but I do like to check in once or twice a week. All I have to say is if you want a WEATHER ONLY discussion, you shouldn't be looking in chat rooms!! Wow, thank goodness for my master's degree or I would have never figured that out :roll:

Seriously, I've learned quite a bit by hanging out on the chat while I'm doing other things on the computer. Is there alot of noise even while wx discussions are happening? Most of the time, yeah. Big deal! Sort through the jibberish that doesn't interest you and read what does.

There are a number of regulars on there that will immediately turn their conversation from EF's latest quinine object of affection to any weather question that is asked.

Like I said, I've learned alot about the wx setups and chasing while being in there, but then again I'm not going in there looking for a classroom setting.

Wow, apparently I missed quite a "show" last night. Thanks Caleb for posting the log and thanks George for setting the event up.

.... But since it was me who invited all of these guests to join us, I just wanted it to go well for everyone. ....Hopefully leaving the regular room as it is and using #stormtalk specifically for guest chats will come as close to making the situation "perfect" as possible.

I highlight two areas in regards to the discussion about the problems - which I admit I wasn't there to see first-hand (green beer won out). First, as George stated - you invited guests to the chatroom - and as you would if you invited guests to your home - generally you as the host are expected to clean up a bit beforehand. Better to meet somewhere else if you don't want to have to go to the effort - so I like George's suggestion of moving the moderated chats elsewhere.

Second regarding Mike's comments - I probably apply there as I've been to chat only a few times - and only most recently since just before Erik's visit. If I'd have been there last night - I still would not have asked questions, mainly because I'm already familiar with the basic aspects of Josh's work - and the questions I might have for him are too technical for general interest. What I might recommend is that questions are collected for guests beforehand - not just during the chat - for instance I still wasn't clear whether the PM was supposed to go through the IRC client or the ST site. It's too late to figure these out once the moderated chat has begun. Other visitors to the chat may also be new to the experience and just joining and watching the conversation is much easier.


Mike is right. Like the room or not, it is what it is. What you've got to understand is that the group that hangs out in there has been hanging out together since back in 2001. We chat in that room on an almost daily basis. So we've grown quite close and have more or less set our own limits on what we can and can't tolerate. Mike, EF, Shane, myself and a bunch of the others have been regulars in that room forever it seems. For whatever reason, we aren't easily offended by a little foul language or off the wall jokes. Without even thinking about it, if you spend that much time chatting with people, you establish personal boundaries for behavior within that group. That's why none of us are offended. But for those not use to being within our group, that might not be the case.

So there we were last night waiting on Dr. Wurman. He was running late and everyone was bored waiting to begin. So naturally, people chatted. Some things were said. But for people hanging out with people they are with daily, they tend to speak what they feel. There were some things said that were out of line. But among us, it was no big deal. To illustrate the point, the only complaint received so far was from you.

If we suddenly clamped down on the room and didn't allow people to speak as they wish, when boundaries have been established for years, then you know what would happen? There would be no group soon. We've been there, done that. The room almost died in 2002 when we tried to clamp down. Without no people, you have no chat. Considering the primary purpose of the chat is entertainment, we'd like to keep our friends coming back. So if it comes to adding a few new people and catering to their needs to keep them happy......or to leave the room as it is and keep our 20 regulars happy, I'm going to choose our regular members everytime. Afterall, they were there first, they are there now and they'll likely be the core of the group long after newcomers are gone.

But I do have a problem with you calling out specific members of the chat and trying to make them look bad here. As has been pointed out, you have a choice whether or not you want to participate. Obviously you found the chat not to your liking. That's fine. It's your choice. But there is no reason to continue to bash our group or specific members thereof. There's nothing wrong with the group, you just don't fit. So the course of action would be to leave gracefully. If I came to your house, it wouldn't be my place to talk bad about your family or how you choose to live. I mean afterall, it is your house. If I didn't like it there, I'd simply leave and go somewhere more to my liking. There's no reason to bash you for how you choose to live in your own house.

And as far as EF (since he was mentioned specifically), he's a good man. Sure, he has a strange sense of humor sometimes. But when you get to know him like we do, you'll understand this sense of humor is what makes him such a great guy. I mean he could do standup if he chose. But we understand not to take everything he says so literally. I mean it's not like he's being serious or anything. I guess this family atmosphere we have in chat sometimes allows things like this to take place. But I have no complaints about what EF says. In fact, I think he's funny, understanding the context. I wouldn't change a thing about him. And why should he have to change how he behaves among his friends?

Again, I am sorry you did not like the room. And in the future, our guest chats will take place in their own room (#stormtalk) where such situations won't happen again. You are very welcome to come to those if you choose to do so and I can guarantee you and anyone who may come there will find a PG rated environment with absolutely no personality and with no topics outside 100% pure weather. But I refuse to impose what amounts to martial law on a group of my close friends and tell them what they can or can't say in #stormchase to satisfy anyone. It's their house, they can say or do whatever they wish. If we don't like it, we can leave. It's that simple.

If there was a mistake made, it was mine for attempting to host the chats in the same room where the same 20 people gather nightly, while inviting in new people. My intentions were good, but my planning was poor. For that, I do regret how I organized this whole thing. I had hoped to add to our group. And maybe we will. But perhaps in ways the regular chat is better off with 20 people there per night than 30. Those 20 will always get along and know how to read each other like a book. So we'll leave that group as it is and just have the guest chats for the simple purpose of learning and discussion, not to increase participation in the #stormchase chat.

Now, once more, I'd like to ask that this thread be left for it's original purpose. That is to inform those interested on when and where these guest chats will take place and to post the logs here, as well as a thread to answer questions regarding the chat. This thread wasn't placed here to be used for a flame war or back and forth arguments. So if anyone has anymore concerns or wishes to discuss our disagreement further, then let's pick it up in Everything Else or use the PM feature and leave it out of this thread. Otherwise I'll save the relevent information from it and ask the mods to delete this whole thread and I'll start a new one. If what happened in chat last night looked bad, I don't think a back and forth argument (over what amounts to nothing) here looks very professional either.

At the request of the person who started this thread (George), I have unstickied this thread. Sticky threads are not intended for lengthy discussion, rather as a 'heads up' or a note that would be of interest to most participants on this forum. A new thread has been started as a sticky, but it is, and will remain, locked to discussion. This thread is the preferred place for the discussion of guest chats. The new sticky will be updated as necessary...
(Ever wonder why the female chasers choose not to hang out with your fun little bunch?)
No. There are plenty of female chasers who are regulers and who occasionally drop by the room. Sheila Ward and Adrian Elizabeth Parker hang out there on a nightly basis and Adrian is even one of the OP's. Quite a few other female chasers drop by there often too, such as Melissa Moon.


...and there's Angie, Kim, Beth, Marcie, Susan and other ladies as well who drop in either occasionally or regularly....

...come to think of it, I've probably seen more female chasers in the chatroom than out on the side of the road during an actual chase!


Yep. Also, Kanani Foster visits the chat. She said last night she'd keep coming back because we were funny. So it seems our group doesn't frighten the women too badly. Heck, the content of that room is more wholesome than your average primetime sitcom these days. :lol:

BTW folks, the logs of the chats won't disappear. I have them on file and we'll find a place to put them on a website somewhere. And if you need them sooner, I'll email them to you.
Greg Campbell, I like to joke around in the chat room, so what,

I also provide numerous links to various stuff on weather and
severe weather. I will paste numerous items related to
severe weather for people to learn stuff.. My contributions
to the chat room when it comes to weather, would far exceeds
yours, even if your were you a regular in the chat room nightly.


That sounds good. If you want, feel free to copy the log from page 2 of this thread. Also, the Erik Ras chat log is floating around somewhere down below too.
