SBCAPE has increased quite a bit ahead of the dryline in the past few hours courtesy of the strong diabatic heating via strong insolation. SPC/RUC mesoanalysis shows an axis of >1000jkg with diminished SBCINH and lowered SBLFC heights from northwest of CDS and points southwest along the dryline. I'm a bit worried how convection will react to the lack of larger-scale capping and the dewpoint depressions... But I suppose things could shape up for any storms as they move off the boundary and into the open warm sector (and ingest boundary layer air that is more moist than further west where insolation has increased the Td depression). With deep-layer shear so intense, no doubt will storms have the potential to become supercellular in nature should they become organized and feed off boundary layer parcels. I'd choose to stay around CDS and points and a bit SSW.