2/23/07 NOW: TX, OK, KS

I'm not a storm spotter but a DJ at KXKU 106.1, KSKU 94.7, KWHK 95.9 out of Hutchinson, KS and when severe weather comes up, my boss Cliff Shank goes out and about. We take severe weather very serious at the station I work for. I'm the only part time on-air DJ that cares. Anyways, looks like a nice line forming now from around Great Bend down through Larned where there is a break in the line then starts back up SE of DDC and extends back into the OK/TX Panhandles.
I think the last discrete cells which have some relatively decent tornadic potential are the large supercell just south of Clinton, Oklahoma and the aforementioned 'tail end charlie' west of Altus.

The 'tail end charlie' in SW Oklahoma hasn't really looked all too impressive, and it is, looking like it is weakening after only 2 or 3 scans.

I don't think that storm south of Clinton is a sup, I haven't seen any meso in it; to me, it looks more like a small complex of storms.

Seems to me that the tornado threat is all but over for the Oklahoma area, and probably for Kansas too. Could be a noisy night, though, with wind and thunder.
Lets not totally give the all clear on tornadoes. Embedded Sups are still a possibility within the line itself. Im just hoping we get a really good derecho out of this. Im going to take a short nap then wake up here in about 2 hrs.
Just a reminder that all users are expected to read and adhere to the special rules before participating in this part of the board. All post's must contain original content and cannot simply state that a tornado warning, watch or other NWS product has been issued. Failure to comply will result in a loss of this privilege.
What a great start to 2007!

Tyler Costantini and I were on the storm that produced the tornado just northwest of McLean, TX. I will get the video uploaded and post the link to it. In addition I finally got to meet some fellow ST members; Tony and his gang (Verne and Michael) along with Gerard Jebaily and his gang as well as Ray Walker. Really had a blast guys! Couldn't have asked for a better start to 2007.