Per latest data from SPC Meso & LAPS Analysis, definitely looks like SE CO (around Lamar) has the highest potential for intense, sustained supercell development: LAA metar showing t/td of 81/62 with winds backing from the NE @ 15 kts. They're sitting under clear skies, so there's also a high CAPE bullseye @ ~3400 j/kg (LAPS 2-D, wfoj (CO) domain). Steering winds down there show much stronger veering (due NW @ 30 kts.) which should increase thru the afternoon. Also liking the meridional boundary you pointed out, Verne.
I'm sure storms willl break out across the eastern Plains thru the afternoon anyway. I guess we'll have a better idea by 2:00.
Looking forward to the chase!!
EDIT: NWS JUST issued SVR Watch for the area (no mention of tors, though :? --here we go!