06/09/05 TALK: High Plains

One interesting feature now is that a pretty intense bow is headed for the ne kansas, nw missouri corridor in the near future. I wonder if it will maintain enough steam to produce a nice show hear in the northland???

perhaps round two of intense bow echo winds for the KC area???
Actually... hook echoes are by no means an indicator of tornadoes. Many supercells that are non tornadic produce hook echoes. Velocities on the DDC storm don't impress me at the moment (6:31pm) so I would be surprised if a tornado is on the ground...


I know I know this well...But I find that when a supercell is so stationary and it produces an hook echo like this, you have a good probability to have a tornado on the ground at that moment(if velocity is good) or after(velocity will be good). IMO it's not a case that after 30 minutes later the cell spawned the tornado. I found the same thing in Plainview supercell on 12th may. If I could bet, I should do it without hesitation.