Young chasers

Im 17 years old as well. I work at a local TV station doing production, but my way in to the TV station was as a weather intern. I have learned a wealth of information from working with Mets. and have also gained invaluable experience. My first experience chasing (not too much going on down here in FL) was with the recent hurricanes.
I don't think age has anything to do with being a "yahoo" chaser. I am 25 and have "officially" been chasing for 3 years now. I think it has to do with a person's maturity level. I can't say that I have always been a model chaser. Has any of us? I try to remember while I am out there is that the one thing I am so excited about has just destroyed someone else's. Kind of a sobering thought for me. Just my two cents. :)


I have to agree with Justin Teague on i think page 2. about the local yokels. This year especially on June 12 which i beleive i read some one say they core punched the mulvane storm on the 29th of may. but simple mistake. but as i was saying the locals were every where. there were warnings, thank fully those whose houses where hit did heed the warnings and headed for cover. the house acrossed the street from the lucky 7 saddel club no one was there they were up in Ann Arbor MI. thats another story later on. But my point being on locals is they're seen as a chaser by local law enforcment and well fankly many officals are getting pissed off about chasing or chasers. Can we do much about the locals not doing what they should?

But as for those who are serious about chasing and take into consideration as to how close they get to a particular nader is there descision but that descision can affect all storm chasers if theres a mistake that leads to death. Nature is upredictable for the most part. so in any case its about saftey first. im not perfect just like anyone else but this is my 2 cents
We've all been there.

Ages when began chasing (for those I'm familiar with):
Me - 19
Gene Rhoden - 16
Alan Moller - 22
Tim Marshall - 23
Charles Doswell - 27

I think chasing attracts a considerable number of young individuals, which probably skews stats & perceptions. The older ones are typically those who have stuck it out and found a niche.


Very good point. We all have to be young and inexperienced at some point (or old and inexperienced). I know I am young and inexperienced, but it really doesn't bother me because I know that over time if I keep with it I will gain more experience and get out of that bracket. Then again, I don't really care about what "bracket" I fall into as long as I am not out there making chasers look bad or putting anyone's life in danger.
Well, I could either go chasing here or leave the country to live with her in Croatia, so there's kind of a fork in my road...