• After witnessing the continued decrease of involvement in the SpotterNetwork staff in serving SN members with troubleshooting issues recently, I have unilaterally decided to terminate the relationship between SpotterNetwork's support and Stormtrack. I have witnessed multiple users unable to receive support weeks after initiating help threads on the forum. I find this lack of response from SpotterNetwork officials disappointing and a failure to hold up their end of the agreement that was made years ago, before I took over management of this site. In my opinion, having Stormtrack users sit and wait for so long to receive help on SpotterNetwork issues on the Stormtrack forums reflects poorly not only on SpotterNetwork, but on Stormtrack and (by association) me as well. Since the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, I no longer wish for the Stormtrack forum to be associated with SpotterNetwork.

    I apologize to those who continue to have issues with the service and continue to see their issues left unaddressed. Please understand that the connection between ST and SN was put in place long before I had any say over it. But now that I am the "captain of this ship," it is within my right (nay, duty) to make adjustments as I see necessary. Ending this relationship is such an adjustment.

    For those who continue to need help, I recommend navigating a web browswer to SpotterNetwork's About page, and seeking the individuals listed on that page for all further inquiries about SpotterNetwork.

    From this moment forward, the SpotterNetwork sub-forum has been hidden/deleted and there will be no assurance that any SpotterNetwork issues brought up in any of Stormtrack's other sub-forums will be addressed. Do not rely on Stormtrack for help with SpotterNetwork issues.

    Sincerely, Jeff D.

Young chasers

I am 23 and this will be my fourth year chasing. I got skunked for my first two years, but all it did was make me want to get out even more. I don't think I am a yahoo, and to be quite honest I don't really understand what would classify you as a yahoo. Like a lot of the other people that have posted, I do like to get close and I do speed if I need to. At least in my experience, the time you need to speed is when there is a tornado or in between tornadoes and there usually aren't many people on the road, so I don't see as being dangerous(at least not to anyone other than myself). If I have to miss class because of chasing, so be it. School definitely takes the back seat. The only people I have ever seen behaving like jackasses are the locals that don't know any better. I do call in to a local news station and take pride in helping out. However I am certainly not out there for the public service side of it. If I screw up every now and then, I don't do it on purpose. I am just passionate about chasing and some times I might get a little carried away.
and there usually aren't many people on the road, so I don't see as being dangerous(at least not to anyone other than myself).

LOL Guess you haven't been in OK during April or May. It's like rush hour on the 405 at times out here.

and there usually aren't many people on the road, so I don't see as being dangerous(at least not to anyone other than myself).

LOL Guess you haven't been in OK during April or May. It's like rush hour on the 405 at times out here.


The May 29, 2004 tornados from Thomas, OK to N. OKC was a real nightmare. It seemed like everyone was out on that storm. There were some real winners chasing that day. :roll:
and there usually aren't many people on the road, so I don't see as being dangerous(at least not to anyone other than myself).

LOL Guess you haven't been in OK during April or May. It's like rush hour on the 405 at times out here.


Chase in OK during mid-April to early June, on the weekend, for a MDT or HIGH risk, and you'll see what a zoo it can be. Speaking of weekend, I find it odd how many Saturday chases there were this past year... 3/27, May 22nd, May 29th, June 12th. Four 'big' days (3/27 consider 'big' since it was the first real chase for most this year).
I am 17, and do not chase... Not yet. I had hoped to research severe weather for the University of Oklahoma, and (possibly, however unlikely) be the first to documetn the inside of a funnel. I joined to determine wether or not storm chasing was what I wanted to do with my life., My folks say storm chasing is not what it used to be, but there are still openings for discovery, and I hope to uncover one.
I have set my mind on staying single to avoid the painful choice of leading a chaser's life or settling down. As it seems, I have met someone online and hope to meet her someday (It's happening already!) I don't know it I want to chase now, but remain captivated by weather and it's unpredictable ways...
Michael, "Dr." Wolfson says:

At 17 and starting college it's a pretty good plan to stay single for a few years.

If you think the weather is captivating and unpredictable, just wait till you .... :wink:
I have set my mind on staying single to avoid the painful choice of leading a chaser's life or settling down.

The key is to set the standard early on. My wife knew what she was getting into when she married me ;) I won't EVER make hard plans in the spring.

I am 17 and turn 18 on April 15. I started chasing last year (2003). So far, all the chases I have gone on have been just locally, not going more than two or three counties in either direction. Also, it doesn't help that Northwest Ohio doesn't get that great of weather in severe weather terms.

However, when I do go out and chase, I always follow all of the rules, if I speed, it is usually no more than 5 or so over. Every time I go out chasing, I am 100% serious and am always paying attention to what is going on around me both in the air and on the road.

Right now and probably in the future, chasing will be a "do it when I have time" hobby. Between school and sports right now, I don't have much time to chase/spot in any season. The future is going to be about the same as I will be in college for the next 4+ years attempting to obtain a meteorology degree (attempt at a masters or PhD) and then hopefully work for the NWS or some place similar. So my chasing days are going to be limited in the coming years.
I have set my mind on staying single to avoid the painful choice of leading a chaser's life or settling down.

You don't have to stay single...the idea is to find a woman that likes the weather too. I was married for 11 years, and my wife HATED everything about storms, weather, chasing... Although I was getting paid for it on a small scale from the tv station for a few years, she could not understand my fascination with it.
Now I have a new woman in my life, and she loves the weather and chasing. It is a great combination. For one, we can chase together, and actually have fun. Two, I don't have to listen to certain chase partners snore in the hotel rooms..HA! (you know who you are!) And three, it helps when someone important to you likes the same things, especially something as relationship-stressful as storm chasing.
And, since you're only 17, do not be in such a rush to either settle down, or decide to be a loner... you have a lot of time..LOL
I have set my mind on staying single to avoid the painful choice of leading a chaser's life or settling down.

Well like Mr. Crowley said your only 17 so don't get into to big of a hurry bud. However we can't all be as lucky as Dave and get lady friends who LOVE to travel down Meso Road if you know what I mean lol. Anyway, I am married and have two wonderful children. They make my life complete not chasing. Chasing just makes my life a little more fun. I have just as much passion for server weather as any other weather weenie on this forum, but chasing only last for a few months out of a long long year. Much like Mr. Kennedy’s wife, my wife also understood what she was getting into but that doesn't mean she likes it. Family, to me, is far more important than chasing. In fact I missed two key chase days this year because I spent time with my family instead. Although I regret missing May 29 and June 12 I made great memories with my wife and children on both of those day and.to me that makes up for the chase loss.

My main point here is that there is more to life than chasing.

Since I can't drive yet I go with my dad in which doesn't make me a yahoo chaser or my dad one. We rarely see other chasers. I take my severe wx and just weather in general very serious. I am a skywarn spotter and I don't call in fake sightings. On certain severe wx days I plan and look at the models and discussions and maps for hours then once we go we usually do alright with only a cell phone, scanner, and an anemometer for accurate winds. But we have noticed that once we travel towards Nebraska the chasers get aggressive and speed and don't use blinkers? lol
But we have noticed that once we travel towards Nebraska the chasers get aggressive and speed and don't use blinkers? lol

We shoot at other chasers too. If you sleep in a motel in NE expect slashed tires come morning. It's best to just avoid NE at all costs as there is nothing to see here anyway...no roads...crazy farmers...etc....
Chase in OK during mid-April to early June, on the weekend, for a MDT or HIGH risk, and you'll see what a zoo it can be. Speaking of weekend, I find it odd how many Saturday chases there were this past year... 3/27, May 22nd, May 29th, June 12th. Four 'big' days (3/27 consider 'big' since it was the first real chase for most this year).

From 1996 to May 2, 2003 I'd never seen a tornado on a Saturday, that was the one day of the week that had always been my nemesis. Having nailed the other six days within three years, I began to think Saturdays were cursed for me. Then May 3, 2003 that streak ended, and since then, five of my last seven tornado days have been Saturdays.

Funny how averages always work their way out.
Well like Mr. Crowley said your only 17 so don't get into to big of a hurry bud. However we can't all be as lucky as Dave and get lady friends who LOVE to travel down Meso Road if you know what I mean lol.

Damn Mickey you go boy!! Promote those videos!!!!!! HAAAAHAHAHAHA
I was in Oklahoma on 3/27 and 4/21 this year. 4/21 there was of a lot of people on the roads, but I was inside Oklahoma City. On 3/27 I was in Woodward county and I hardly saw anyone on the roads. All the other tornado days this year when I was out I didn't see very many cars on the cars around, except for other chasers and I don't count them because they are usually going just as fast as I am.