Xport BSOD

May 6, 2009
Wichita, KS
On a chase in Lexington, MO yesterday I was running Spotter Network, GRLevel3 and Delorme. To split my GPS I use Xport, haven't had any luck with other COM emulation software.

Has anybody encountered the BSOD? "driver irql not less or equal" "xport.sys".

I'm a computer tech, so go ahead and throw tech terms out, I'll catch on. ;) Just wasn't sure if this was a common problem and how to fix it..

Thanks in advance.

"driver irql not less or equal"

Best guess that you have a another com port conflicting with the software Xport.

Both fighting over the same IRQ / port.

do you have any hardware comports? Do you have a modem or bluetooth enabled - what about an Infra Red port (are these still used).

Then there is the software com ports that USB's create.

Have you tried Franson GPSGate? - works well for me
System specs.
Gigabyte 775 Mobo
P4 3.0Ghz
512MB DDR2 800
80GB WD Sata
XP Home SP3

I do have hardware com, but don't use it. No modem, bluetooth or infared. I do however have mobile broadband and wifi, wifi is disabled while chasing though.
It wont be the WiFi - you can rule that out
Try disabling the hardware com port in the bios.

Regedit - HKLM / Hardware / Devicemap / serialcomm

look for clues there.

GOLDEN rule with USB GPS etc - always plug them into the exact same USB port EVERYTIME

Plugging it into another USB will cause it to be allocated a new comport number - this will mess up your port splitting etc.
Alright, I'll disable the com port.

The PC doesn't move, so the GPS is always on the same port. If it comes down to it, I'll go ahead and get GPSGate, I chased a minor storm in Lexington for this exact reason, to stress test everything. I need a bulletproof setup, and if it costs an extra $40, so be it.
FWIW, I tried xport and had BSODs. I didn't have any similar issues with the trial of GPS Gate.