Okay it is May here in Oklahoma and we have had no severe weather this month. Is it just me or has this been a trend for sometime now? Why is the Jet stream in Canada this time of year? And speaking of heat we are cooking in May!! It seems to me that our weather patterns are not what they used to be.
People have been coming to this same conclusion for ages. For good reason I guess, because the weather is always changing. 7 years of drought will be followed by 7 years of floods. Or maybe the pattern is 3 years or 10. Or maybe for 50 years there is no pattern. Then for 50 years there is observable pattern.
I realize I think differently than most, but what seems strange to me is when a bad tornado hits a big town and tears it up, everyone wonders why. And they immediately start assuming there is something unnatural going on. What would really be odd, what would be absolutely strange and unnatural is if no bad tornado every hit a big town. Sometimes I wonder if we are not more superstitious than were the American Indians who also endured tornadoes.
Tying this in to your specific question, what would be really different, odd, unnatural… is if every May there was abundant severe weather in Oklahoma. Or if there were never 3 Mays in a row with minimal severe weather. Now, that would be strange.
As has already been mentioned extremes are normal. Concerning Global warming which has been mentioned later in your thread, it’s normal and global cooling is normal also, both will continue to occur. Instead of rationally looking into every possibility though, it seems we are quick to choose sides concerning AGW. The majority of the population does not know the difference between GW and AGW. With out a doubt these would effect the overall weather pattern, the question is are we smart enough, or have we had the smarts for long enough to accurately measure it and compare it against anything.
A well known religious book I am familiar with has a bit in it about the end of time. It says something about earthquakes and wars and this and that, then I believe it says, “and the end is not yetâ€.
But what do 99% percent of folks of this particular faith (which I hold to also) believe?… that wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes signal the end of time. That is the opposite of what that book teaches. It teaches don’t be alarmed, it’s not the end… these are natural.
I have come to conclude that rational thought is not natural to many, rather it is emotion, and personal belief, etc... that guides them. I guess you could sum it up by saying it is human nature that we are quick to believe something without much thought, and it cause us to say, “OMG!… what’s happening. This is so unnatural. It’s for sure the end", etc…. when the fact is the same old thing is happening that’s always been happening. Everything is changing. If the average life span of a human were 1000 years with perfect memory, we would come to much different conclusions concerning weather patterns and such.