Who's staying up all night?

Who's staying up all night?

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Dec 4, 2003
With this event on our doorstep, I figured I'd run an informal poll to see who's staying up all night to monitor Katrina, and who isn't.

Me personally I'll probably be in category #3 -- up extremely late and then a little sleep around dawn. Already have a pizza in the oven and a brew on the desk. Not that I'm celebrating or anything, but meteorologically, this is quite a show.

With this event on our doorstep, I figured I'd run an informal poll to see who's staying up all night to monitor Katrina, and who isn't.

Me personally I'll probably be in category #3 -- up extremely late and then a little sleep around dawn. Already have a pizza in the oven and a brew on the desk. Not that I'm celebrating or anything, but meteorologically, this is quite a show.


Yep, I'll be up probably pretty late watching this... Then catch a couple hours of sleep, and resume watching in the morning... I just hope I don't fall asleep as it makes landfall, that would really bum me out.
I'll stay up. Got class at 9:30 and then a meeting with my advisor at 11. Then I have to sned some stuff mail... so I'll prob get to sleep around 2pm lol.

With this event on our doorstep, I figured I'd run an informal poll to see who's staying up all night to monitor Katrina, and who isn't.

Me personally I'll probably be in category #3 -- up extremely late and then a little sleep around dawn. Already have a pizza in the oven and a brew on the desk. Not that I'm celebrating or anything, but meteorologically, this is quite a show.


Well, I typically stay up pretty late every night... Of course, tonight will be no exception - and I'll probably stay up even later to see this.
Yes it is an amazing show...the largest and strongest that I've ever seen in the Gulf...not that I'm any expert on the subject!

Hmmmm beer and a pizza...doesn't sound half bad:)

Advantage of being in Tokyo: it's only noon here, and the storm should make landfall this evening local time. So, I'll be wide awake.

Disadvantage of being in Tokyo: finding live TV coverage as the storm makes landfall will be difficult. I'll probably have to stick with the internet.
I'm coming down with a cold again, otherwise I'd definately be pulling an all-nighter. I can't have this cold spiral out of control due to lack of rest, I've got too much going on for that. Back on the Zicam. Will probably go to sleep around midnight and wake up early close to landfall.
My roommate and I are staying up all night watching Fox News and the Weather Channel on our 86" screen. Class tomorrow at 9 but done at 11 so maybe I'll get some sleep after lunch.
Well, I just got up from a nap in preparations of this event and will be up for the duration.
With a storm of this historic proportions I couldn't miss the pre-dawn hours and landfall of Katrina.
With this event on our doorstep, I figured I'd run an informal poll to see who's staying up all night to monitor Katrina, and who isn't.

Me personally I'll probably be in category #3 -- up extremely late and then a little sleep around dawn. Already have a pizza in the oven and a brew on the desk. Not that I'm celebrating or anything, but meteorologically, this is quite a show.


Well, I've got some beer in the fridge, but I need to get some pizza. Good idea!
My roomate and I are from Venice, LA (right in the path) and live in Oklahoma City right now. We'll be watching it all night as tomorrow our families houses might not be there anymore.

I've been up here for several serious hurricanes, this is the scaredest I've been about it yet.