Interestingly, in this neck of the woods (NW PA, and the same statement goes for locations to my north and east) this is one of the earliest springs on record. Our last snow fall was March 9th, and our first 80 degree day was long about March 22nd. The winter was fairly average for us temperature and snowfall wise, though the source of our snowfall was different, and areas to our south 90 miles got *much* more snow than average. The flowers here are quite early, with the daffodils already 2 weeks gone and the lilacs in the hollows going full tilt now.
Looking back at the last few El Nino's that were similar in strength to the current one, this seems to be something of a trend for this area. Lets just hope it doesn't wind up in a significant drought for this area, as early springs are wont to do. It would be nice to finally see a decent season in the Ohio Valley. The ass kickers that the mid-south has seen the last few weeks make me think maybe there just might be hope up this far north this year.