websites? post your storm and tornado websites

We are about being hadcore storm chasers! But, our site is for all storm chasers and weather enthusiasts

Tornado vidoes, photo gallery of numerous weather phenomena, chase accounts, news and a message board.

Also, our 2004 Tornado Highlight Video is now available.
I have always shot slides since my first SLR in 1992, but never have had access to a quality slide scanner (and I can't afford one) so not many have seen much of my stuff. Apparently there are now some flat scanners out there that, while not archival quality, will do slides and that may allow me to at least throw more stuff up one of these days, so I will look into this.

I do have stuff up from the 2001 chase trip where I spent $40 to get some med-res scans made at a local shop (won’t do that again for that price). Pics, along with detailed chase accounts, surface analyses, and even some concurrent radar is at:

I am particularly happy with 27 May chase from that year as I had some perspectives that only a few other chasers did.
Eh, ok... Getting back on-topic...

Root site, with frames:

More to the point, Southwest Lightning can be found in:

The Generic Weather section can be found in:

Check the main site's menu for an Aurora Borealis section.

There's also some weather-related stuff floating around in all the other sections.

I'll be getting rid of the frames-format very soon. Though easy to maintain with frames, it is hurting my search engine ratings. Time to get out of the 1990's, eh? :lol: