Storm Stories from TWC

Jun 13, 2004
Olathe, KS
Storm Stories on TV 5/2/2006
Re: 5/29/04 tornado outbreak that features the Conway Springs tornado and story
Great footage and more about 2-3 tornadoes including a 1/2 mile wide one . Woman survives a 1/2 mile ride picked up by a tornado and deposited on the ground. Story was called "Against a tornado she wins" (I could not find the story). Two newbie stormchasers find her.

Re: 5/4/2003 outbreak featuring stormchaser Piotrowski
Great footage as he tracks an F4 tornado from Gerard, KS through Franklin, KS and into Liberal, MO

Dr. Eric Flescher ([email protected]), Olathe, KS:913-780-5902: (mobile) 913-486-1274: Storm Satori- E.O.A.S. (Earth, Oceans, Atmosphere and Space Blog) - Stories on TV 5/2/2006
Re: 5/29/04 tornado outbreak that features the Conway Springs tornado and story
Great footage and more about 2-3 tornadoes including a 1/2 mile wide one . Woman survives a 1/2 mile ride picked up by a tornado and deposited on the ground. Story was called "Against a tornado she wins" (I could not find the story). Two newbie stormchasers find her.

Re: 5/4/2003 outbreak featuring stormchaser Jeff Piotrowski
Great footage as he tracks an F4 tornado from Gerard, KS through Franklin, KS and into Liberal, MO. He mentions this was literally a 12 hour chase.

Related information please post- more coming. If you all see any Storm Stories post them

Dr. Eric Flescher ([email protected]), Olathe, KS:913-780-5902: (mobile) 913-486-1274: Storm Satori- E.O.A.S. (Earth, Oceans, Atmosphere and Space Blog) -
5/4/2006--Storm Stories

the 5/4/2003 outbreak featured again but this time starting with tornado on the ground with footage in Pierce City, MO . Traveled 40 miles f3 to Battlefield ,MO to Springfield MO. One women is killed when a tree falls on her.
5/5 Storm Story included the 3/3/1999 F5 mile wide footage near Oklahoma City . It included people scurying under a bridge to escape a coming the coming tornado. One guy was thrown 75 feet and survived while a women did not . T he story focuse on the two chasers with that one chaser who survived and the others who held on for dear life.
Amazing footage of the tornado.

Dr. Eric Flescher
5/6/2006 Storm Stories

The first one deals witht he 5/3/1999 F5 I mile tornado near Oklahoma State. A 10 month baby is thrown over 100 feet and survives. A police offer finds the baby in the mud and has a video of it as her finds the baby.
Tornado traveled 1.5 hours and over 40 miles

The next half hours dealt with the Ierce City, MO 5/4/2003 tornado.

Nice footage in both 30 minute segments.

5/6/2006 Storm Stories

The first one deals with the 5/3/1999 F5 I mile tornado near Oklahoma State. A 10 month baby is thrown over 100 feet and survives. A police offer finds the baby in the mud and has a video of it as her finds the baby.
Tornado traveled 1.5 hours and over 40 miles

The next half hours dealt with the Pierce City, MO 5/4/2003 tornado.

Nice footage in both 30 minute segments.
Storm Stories on the Weather Channel

6/23/06 short
In Louisiana, a babysitter desperately clutches two small children as a tornado hurls them 80 feet through the air. Spectacularfootage of the funnel. Greatsimulation and learning about the use of the Doppler.

6/23/06 short
Footage of Oklahoma City and Moore,OK tornado in 1999 and compared what would happen if this F5 tornado would hit Dallas

6/24/06 Manchester, SD torn
Great video of this massive tornado

6/25/06 Atlanta torn

reviewed by Dr. Eric Flescher ([email protected]), Olathe, KS: E.O.A.S. (Earth, Oceans, Atmosphere and Space Blog) -

Chronicles of the monster huge wedge that descended from the sky (1999? missed the first couple minutes) near OK City. Turns into an F5 and mile wide. Destroys Bridge Creek OK. People trapped under overpass as the tornado swent by. Touching scenes of a policeman who finds a little girl in the mud after being thrown from the mothers grip. They unit later.
67 tornadoes in OK and Kansas that day

(anyone know the date?)

Chronicles of the monster huge wedge that descended from the sky (1999? missed the first couple minutes) near OK City. Turns into an F5 and mile wide. Destroys Bridge Creek OK. People trapped under overpass as the tornado swent by. Touching scenes of a policeman who finds a little girl in the mud after being thrown from the mothers grip. They unit later.
67 tornadoes in OK and Kansas that day

(anyone know the date?)

5/6/2006 Storm Stories

The first one deals witht he 5/3/1999 F5 I mile tornado near Oklahoma State. A 10 month baby is thrown over 100 feet and survives. A police offer finds the baby in the mud and has a video of it as her finds the baby.
Tornado traveled 1.5 hours and over 40 miles[/b]
Storm Stories
on The Weather Channel 7/2/2006

8:30 EST
9/15/2004 event

Two hurricanes had hit Florida already when Hurricane Ivan set it's sights on Panama, FL. The forecast includes landfall coming but possible tornadoes spawned, before the Hurricane. Video shows the first f1 tornado (1 o 19 produced by Hurricane Ivan and 117 by all the Hurricane during that period of weeks). Video also shows short lived multiple vortices are the F1.
F2 then hits Blownstown, FL hitting before landfall of the Hurricane. At night it the tornado destroys trailer of the main featured people in the story. Trailer is hurled off the foundation 100 feet on top of another families house/trailer.
While the emergency crew works with the injured, another tornado lifts up and goes overhead (they heard the sound like freight train sound but no video shown). Two people in the family's' trailers die. 2 other also during the Hurricane passing.
This date: 7/6/2006
Storms date: 4/20/2004
Place: LA Salle County SW of Chicago
Re: UNion, IL

An f3 tornado comes out of the sky and roars down the river valley. Video shows tornado along the groud heading torwards Uticea. Many vortecies in the tornado. Volunteer fire department people warn the crows and get trapped in their station.
Others are trapped in the bottom of a cafe that has the ceiling collapse.8 people died there in what was so suppopsed to be a pretty safe place.
New show on TWC at 8pm CT is a series of short shows usually about weather events.
It is called "Full Force Nature."
A series of short storm stories.

Tonight 7/9/2006 started with
(1) a storm at sea with Students at Sea program near Alaska?
(2) Massive hailstorm in (Easstern ) Colorado 6/21/05 (?)

The hail storm hit so fast and massively that people were stranded in their cars. (I have never seen conditions like this)
Water with the ice created very cold hyperthermia type conditions making things so cold that people if they could wade out of their cars and go through the ice and water were overcome by the cold.
The water with all the ice created a mini iceberg conditions in the water in the streets.

(3) Jim Bishop featured on this story about the Girard Kansas tornado.Nice video as JimBishop chases the wedge. Suddenly it changes directions and hands right for them . Without turning around, he has to backup full tilt to escape. The video was great.
Pics at his nice site and more pics and information at

Ever Sunday at 8pm CT on TWC there is now this show FullForce Nature so catch it .
You can go to the Storn Stories site and see the schedule that is coming up. I then with the schedule in mind, I tape the episodes and write a short report for reference and for this thread.
On the 16th is a series of the best of Storm Stories including stuff by Roger Hill and more. It is not just tornadoes this sequence.

Tonight's Episode: Surviving Cancer at the South Pole
A doctor at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Research Station must diagnose and treat her own cancer. The research station is officially closed due to the extreme cold temperatures. A very risky rescue is planned.

Coast Guard Storm Stories: Coast Guard Rescues
Saturday, May 7, 2005 at the Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center in Portsmouth, Virginia. The seas in the watch area are getting progressively more dangerous and the Coast Guard is called out again and again to rescue sailors in trouble.

Storm Stories Schedule
Roll over show titles to learn more about this week's episodes of Storm Stories!
Monday, July 10 2006
8:00pm - Surviving Cancer at the South Pole
8:30pm - Coast Guard Rescues

Tuesday, July 11 2006
8:00pm - No Safe Harbor
8:30pm - Florida Downburst

Wednesday, July 12 2006
8:00pm - New Hampshire Flood
8:30pm - Oregon River Rescue

Thursday, July 13 2006
8:00pm - Texas Border Flash Flood
8:30pm - Coast Guard Storm Stories: Hurricane Rita

Friday, July 14 2006
8:00pm - Kissimmee Tornado
8:30pm - Fire - Out of Control

Saturday, July 15 2006
8:00pm - Hell Wind
8:30pm - Huaycos: Mudslide

Sunday, July 16 2006
8:00pm - Salt Lake City Tornado
8:30pm - Springfield Tornadoes
Well tonight was supposed to feature

Friday, July 14 2006
8:00pm - Kissimmee Tornado
8:30pm - Fire - Out of Control

It did have these but there were others before and after these two periods.
The fire out of control was horrific.

As for

8:00pm - Kissimmee Tornado
Featured f3 tornado that hit Kissimmee at night after bad storms.
There was a short video of a tornado but I am not sure if this was actually the one that someone shot or whether it was just inserted for effect.

The tornado plowed into one family's house which was featured. It tore the house apart (other around too). A little boy was buried in the massive amount of rubble. Finally after frantic search , he was found under the rubble. There was conjecture how the boy survived getting through from the house which collapsed on on the boy. It was theorized the boy was sucked up into the middle of the vortex where the winds were less and then deposited more gently down on the ground surviving.

More information I found on these urls (below)
multifaceted general overview of the ECFL tornado outbreak 22-23 ...
The Kissimmee tornado (F3) occurred around 1250 am and had the longest track. This tornado killed 25 people and injured more than 150 where numerous ...
Kissimmee tornado -

The behavior of the long lived supercell which produced the Kissimmee tornado and a second short lived tornado differed from other studies related to this ...
Kississimmee tornado info

[ More results from ]

Kissimmee Tornado Outbreak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Three were killed in this tornado. The most notable tornado of the night hit in Kissimmee. Twenty-five were killed. It was an F3. Another F3 hit in Seminole ...
Kissimmee Tornado Outbreak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The most notable tornado of the night hit in Kissimmee. Twenty-five were killed. It was an F3. Another F3 hit in Seminole County, Florida near Sanford and ...ño_Outbreak

Kissimmee Tornado Outbreak: Information From
Kissimmee Tornado Outbreak The Kissimmee Tornado Outbreak of February 22 - 23 , 1998 was the deadliest tornado event in Florida history.

Then the 2nd tornado adventure featured a Palm Harbor FL waterspout . The waterspout capsized some fleeing people on the water but it veered away and did not hurt them. The videos of the waterspouts are very nice.

I saw this a little late to notice the date and time sorry
Just got back from Tucson.
Heard there was 2 inches of rain downpour yesterday Tuesdeay (half their average) in Phoenix within a few hours the day I left([email protected] 7/26/2006)!
Did not do have time for monsoon/ stormchasing but "chased" (actually photographed and videotaped ) a lot of hummingbirds south of Tucson. Very cool. :)

But now back to rest of the Storm Stories before I left.
TWC are currently featuring the best of Storm Stories including some I have not seen.
(I don't know how long the BEST will show but they are nicely done)

about the 6/23/2003 Roger Hill close call and adventure with the monster SD tornado. I have his stuff on video but seeing it on TV is still quite a sight as they outrun the monster.

5/3/1999 OKC f4 tornado
I have seen this before. People are under an overpass to shelter from the approaching F4 (amazing videdos) This sort of mimics 1991 under the overpass scene in Kansas that was posted to possibly the whole globe. This was shown as well on TWC. However this time at least one lady died near the overpass and others were lucky that they lived.

12 tornadoes come down from the supercell this day
Mile wide F5 5/3/1999 Cickesaw city SW of OKC
Tornado bears down houses. Lifts up and drops guy 75feet away unhurt.

A guy names Marc Wearing (spelling) is so affected by tornado he becomes a TV meteorologist and now works in Arkansas.
A guy names Marc Wearing (spelling) is so affected by tornado he becomes a TV meteorologist and now works in Arkansas.[/b]

Marc Weinberg and he is a meterorologist in Louisville, KY.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do with this thread, but it seems a bit incoherent to me. I think you are trying to maintain a list of what each Storm Stories episode is about, but it's all jumbled with duplicate information. Maybe just continuing to edit the same post would help keep it all in order?
Marc Weinberg

Marc Weinberg was a meteorologist before 5-3-99 and before he was "affected". I worked with him at KSWO in Lawton OK and was at OU with him.


Marc Weinberg and he is a meterorologist in Louisville, KY.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do with this thread, but it seems a bit incoherent to me. I think you are trying to maintain a list of what each Storm Stories episode is about, but it's all jumbled with duplicate information. Maybe just continuing to edit the same post would help keep it all in order?