WxTAP continues to be an asset for me out in the field. I will not invest in the WxWorx system because personally, I doubt I can improve my success ratio. Storm chasing is about challenge of the entire process, and I only like looking at radar when it's painfully obvious to me that I need a source outside my own two eyes for decision making. If I begin to rely on always-on radar while chasing, then I'm defeating the real purpose for me to be out there. I can look at radar at home.
With that said, WxTAP is fast, the .gif files are small, and my antique analog connection with Ositech modem is good enuf to get a download of "the big picture" in 30s or less.
Last year, I began using StormLab... which is excellent and fast as well. I've had some problems, however, connecting to NWS servers to download the data with such a slow analog cell phone transfer rate at times, and with my setup, is not quite as reliable as WxTAP, but whenever I get a cell phone upgrade, that may change.
"old school" Mike U