Lanny brought up some possible concerns related to chasers using Imap earlier in the thread and it was pointed out that the Imap option is just that - 'Optional'. I'd like to also mention that another reason why it may not be a concern is because of the typical low quality / low bandwidth often encountered while streaming. More specifically, you could capture and stream a nice tornado which would be streaming live across the Imap, but since typically streams have a much lower frame rate and quality rate, in my opinion if it was a decent, worthwhile marketable event networks would still be willing to purchase your better quality footage. Sure there will be the odd times when you happen to be parked close enough to an urban area or interstate and have your profile set at higher rate quality I'll grant you that, but the rest of the time no worries. Of course then the issue is timeliness. You likely have to stop and upload your video - breaking off the chase, which is pretty much something I'd never want to do unless I was about done anyway. Hopefully you have a secondary video camera recording directly to media as opposed to live, or you have your dashcam set up to both stream and archive to the pc / media.