Lanny Dean
I have respectfully and purposely attempted not to post on this thread but since I am who I am I guess it goes without saying that I am going to voice my opinion. Some will certainly dislike my thoughts, others may feel it sheds a little light on the subject...either way my hope is that it will maybe raise a few questions and concerns that need to be addressed openly in my opinion before anyone "goes" with WDT. I will start with somewhat of an introduction and then go from there. Please bear with me as I am going somewhere with this.
I have known Steve Miller (OK) since my early days of chasing, I think sometime in the 92-93 timeframe I met Steve and we became friends. We even kinda chased together in the late 90's or better said, we would run into each other on the same storm from time to time. He has remained a lifelong friend over the years and I am greatful for that friendship. Scott Bennett I met through Steve during the building process of CTV. Scott instantly became a good friend and one that I could and have relied on over the last few years. I was lucky enough to be a part of the building process of CTV, helping to take it from it's infancy in actual road testing. I was the first one to stream a live tornado with and on CTV and I knew it was one hell of a product. At that point I really pushed for CTV and in the 20 years I have been chasing, CTV was only the second product that I had ever promoted. It was just that good. But it wasn't just the product, the support that Scott and Steve gave for CTV was simply unmatched by ANY STREAMING SERVICE, including TVN (which was actually through and via WDT), Severe Studios, Inmarsat or any other product that was available. Simply put; it was the best product on the market period. There were many times I called Scott or Steve to help me out with a lost key or even a forgotten password at all hours of the night and they both were amazing. Thats the kind of support that anyone who used CTV received. That kind of support I will miss. Scott and Steve are not only good friends they were wonderful business associates that made the product and the CTV family what it is today. I am glad that I was allowed to be a part of that family, thats what I will probably miss the most. Steve, Chad Berryhill, Danny Neal, Jeff Smith....just remember my flight to Chicago and you will know what I am talking about.
Now on to the buy out...and for the above mentioned people please know that this post is in no way reflective of my feelings personally. These are genuine concerns and facts that raise a red flag with me and should with everone IMHO. I suspect that even some of the above named people are not familair with some of this information so please read with caution and understanding.
With this buy comes some great concerns for me and I suspect many if not all of you who currently use CTV will and probably should have concerns after reading this.
WDT is a big company with many many dealings/contracts with the likes of NBC proper to The Discovery Channel to TVN (hence the Discovery mention) to networks (CNN) to local broadcasters. All of which use/have the Imap functions and features. Last year there was a situation that arose here in the Tulsa market where a local broadcaster pulled and used a feed off the Imap of a very well known Texas storm chaser who was filming a tornado very close to him as he drove past it live on air. That feed was picked up live by a network and then by many, many other NBC affilaites as well as those who had contracts with WDT throughout the country. To my knowledge nothing was done with this as that station still continues to use this feature. I was informed by the Chief meteorologist from that station that this was a feature that WDT provided with their contract or at least the contract of NBC proper. Herein is the problem and concern I have:
As we all know, when selling your video the real money does not come from the local broadcaster. Yes you might make $200-$400 if your lucky but the real money is and always has been with the networks and then the productions. If you decide to "opt in" with the Imap feature you have a real good chance of loosing the ability to make a sale with any network or production that is using Imap/WDT feature. Let me explain:
You have got a great shot of a tornado and you are using the Imap, you have a million people looking at your stream inclduing CNN, as well as TWC and local broadcasters. During and after the shot you decide that you would like to try and sell said video, So you contact local broadcasters and even the Netwroks (the very same networks that just aired your video) and soon you realize that nobody wants it because they already have it. If you don't think that they run preroll and record off the feed just so they can play back during prime time or if it is local broadcasters, during the 6, 9 and 10pm news cast you are sadly mistaken. I spent many years in the media and this is how its done from market 1 all the way to market 149. And while it is true that you are making money off all of those viewers, it is certainly pennies on the dollars compared to what you would have gotten making the sale to the network or productions. But since they are "customers" of WDT and have a contract with them to be able to use all functions and features of the Imap including your stream they have the right to said video. There has been talk about embargoing, I would strongly recommend to anyone who is thinking about "opting in" to study up on embargoing your video. There is so much more than meets the eye to this especially in regards to contracts and companies that own an NBC station in one state and then an ABC affil. in another and possibly a network and or cable provider (think E.W. Scripps)
Please don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that it would be bad to go with WDT or even "opting in" if that's your flavor. All I am saying is that it is probably a good idea to read the "fine print" regarding the "opting in" and Imap feature. I might add that the very same chaser that I mentioned above also had his video being used on the Discovery page without being/getting reimbursed. Yes, this no doubt helped promote him but at what cost? I personally have never been one to like big business....monopolizing is not a good thing unless you are the one doing the monopoly.
And speaking of monopolizing, everyone needs to remember that WDT "held" the contract with TVN that you all signed if you streamed with TVN. Remember all the little fine print and receiving a .56 cent check for all your hard work? Yeah I have still got the contract. While I respect Reed and company including TVN for what they have been able to accomplish, I understand the "freindship" that WDT and TVN had and still do. That is obviously a big concern for me personally. I refuse to promote that faction by letting my video be represented with a product/feature that has and is known to have a direct relationship with TVN. A realtionship that actually founded and helped to start that feature and or product to begin with. There is no doubt that TVN has THE stronghold when it comes to stock video sales and or basic tornado footage. That faction should be proud of that fact however, IMO WDT also hold some responsibility with that issue with the support they gave TVN directly.
Of course this is nothing but good business on both sides but I have real concerns to be associated with the enitiy that helped to build an empire as we know today.
One of the main reasons why I choose CTV was becuase I knew Steve and Scott were honest good people. People that I knew and trusted, people that I had chased with and knew their background. Kinda like that little drug store that grandma used to take you to before they got bought out by Walmart or big business. I don't know who owns WDT. I don't know who all works for them. What I do know is that they have STRONG affiliation with TVN and they do business with the likes of Discovery, CNN, many local broadcasters, NBC proper which includes The Wearther Channel and many others. I know they have their hand in much. And I know that you can't sell your video to someone who already has it.
Maybe if JR or someone from WDT can give a FULL explaination as to what we can expect, give us the fine print, tell us who is actually in the game as far as what broadcasters, networks, productions or the like and go into real detail about embargoing video (for those that don't know or understand) then I might be interested and I might want to move forward with WDT. I mean I totally see the possible rewards but I also see some major issues. It looks real nice on the front page of the AMS website but it gives me no security except for the fact that I will make a certain percentage (no one has exactly said how much yet though) on viewers of my stream. Kinda reminds me of that used care sales man pitch....
And for those who own/run media/ brokering services...I have also never been a big fan of someone else brokering my video. Through the years I have learned to do it myself with the contacts I have made but with the streaming and the tours this gets troublesome. Should I choose to go with a broker service how will they be affected with this buy? Keeping in mind that WDT has a stronghold in many markets local and even networks. You cannot put an embargo to somewhere if that entity already has the contract in place with the local broadcaster you are trying to deal with. They already have viewed/aired said video from the just does not make sense to me. I cannot believe that with all the "knowledge" people say they have who are running their own media service that they are not asking the same questions I am.
I need answers to these questions before I can or will make a sound decision as to stay or not stay with CTV/WDT. After all, other than the name, CTV is and will no longer be CTV, it will be WDT running CTV under the flag of CTV.
I respectfully ask any representative of WDT to help me understand how this is going to possibly work. There are only so many ways you can rob Peter to pay Paul, and thats what this "opt in" option feels like to me.
Thanks for letting me write this book and taking time in reading it. I look forward to your reply. And please excuse the grammer....its ealry.
I have known Steve Miller (OK) since my early days of chasing, I think sometime in the 92-93 timeframe I met Steve and we became friends. We even kinda chased together in the late 90's or better said, we would run into each other on the same storm from time to time. He has remained a lifelong friend over the years and I am greatful for that friendship. Scott Bennett I met through Steve during the building process of CTV. Scott instantly became a good friend and one that I could and have relied on over the last few years. I was lucky enough to be a part of the building process of CTV, helping to take it from it's infancy in actual road testing. I was the first one to stream a live tornado with and on CTV and I knew it was one hell of a product. At that point I really pushed for CTV and in the 20 years I have been chasing, CTV was only the second product that I had ever promoted. It was just that good. But it wasn't just the product, the support that Scott and Steve gave for CTV was simply unmatched by ANY STREAMING SERVICE, including TVN (which was actually through and via WDT), Severe Studios, Inmarsat or any other product that was available. Simply put; it was the best product on the market period. There were many times I called Scott or Steve to help me out with a lost key or even a forgotten password at all hours of the night and they both were amazing. Thats the kind of support that anyone who used CTV received. That kind of support I will miss. Scott and Steve are not only good friends they were wonderful business associates that made the product and the CTV family what it is today. I am glad that I was allowed to be a part of that family, thats what I will probably miss the most. Steve, Chad Berryhill, Danny Neal, Jeff Smith....just remember my flight to Chicago and you will know what I am talking about.
Now on to the buy out...and for the above mentioned people please know that this post is in no way reflective of my feelings personally. These are genuine concerns and facts that raise a red flag with me and should with everone IMHO. I suspect that even some of the above named people are not familair with some of this information so please read with caution and understanding.
With this buy comes some great concerns for me and I suspect many if not all of you who currently use CTV will and probably should have concerns after reading this.
WDT is a big company with many many dealings/contracts with the likes of NBC proper to The Discovery Channel to TVN (hence the Discovery mention) to networks (CNN) to local broadcasters. All of which use/have the Imap functions and features. Last year there was a situation that arose here in the Tulsa market where a local broadcaster pulled and used a feed off the Imap of a very well known Texas storm chaser who was filming a tornado very close to him as he drove past it live on air. That feed was picked up live by a network and then by many, many other NBC affilaites as well as those who had contracts with WDT throughout the country. To my knowledge nothing was done with this as that station still continues to use this feature. I was informed by the Chief meteorologist from that station that this was a feature that WDT provided with their contract or at least the contract of NBC proper. Herein is the problem and concern I have:
As we all know, when selling your video the real money does not come from the local broadcaster. Yes you might make $200-$400 if your lucky but the real money is and always has been with the networks and then the productions. If you decide to "opt in" with the Imap feature you have a real good chance of loosing the ability to make a sale with any network or production that is using Imap/WDT feature. Let me explain:
You have got a great shot of a tornado and you are using the Imap, you have a million people looking at your stream inclduing CNN, as well as TWC and local broadcasters. During and after the shot you decide that you would like to try and sell said video, So you contact local broadcasters and even the Netwroks (the very same networks that just aired your video) and soon you realize that nobody wants it because they already have it. If you don't think that they run preroll and record off the feed just so they can play back during prime time or if it is local broadcasters, during the 6, 9 and 10pm news cast you are sadly mistaken. I spent many years in the media and this is how its done from market 1 all the way to market 149. And while it is true that you are making money off all of those viewers, it is certainly pennies on the dollars compared to what you would have gotten making the sale to the network or productions. But since they are "customers" of WDT and have a contract with them to be able to use all functions and features of the Imap including your stream they have the right to said video. There has been talk about embargoing, I would strongly recommend to anyone who is thinking about "opting in" to study up on embargoing your video. There is so much more than meets the eye to this especially in regards to contracts and companies that own an NBC station in one state and then an ABC affil. in another and possibly a network and or cable provider (think E.W. Scripps)
Please don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that it would be bad to go with WDT or even "opting in" if that's your flavor. All I am saying is that it is probably a good idea to read the "fine print" regarding the "opting in" and Imap feature. I might add that the very same chaser that I mentioned above also had his video being used on the Discovery page without being/getting reimbursed. Yes, this no doubt helped promote him but at what cost? I personally have never been one to like big business....monopolizing is not a good thing unless you are the one doing the monopoly.
And speaking of monopolizing, everyone needs to remember that WDT "held" the contract with TVN that you all signed if you streamed with TVN. Remember all the little fine print and receiving a .56 cent check for all your hard work? Yeah I have still got the contract. While I respect Reed and company including TVN for what they have been able to accomplish, I understand the "freindship" that WDT and TVN had and still do. That is obviously a big concern for me personally. I refuse to promote that faction by letting my video be represented with a product/feature that has and is known to have a direct relationship with TVN. A realtionship that actually founded and helped to start that feature and or product to begin with. There is no doubt that TVN has THE stronghold when it comes to stock video sales and or basic tornado footage. That faction should be proud of that fact however, IMO WDT also hold some responsibility with that issue with the support they gave TVN directly.
Of course this is nothing but good business on both sides but I have real concerns to be associated with the enitiy that helped to build an empire as we know today.
One of the main reasons why I choose CTV was becuase I knew Steve and Scott were honest good people. People that I knew and trusted, people that I had chased with and knew their background. Kinda like that little drug store that grandma used to take you to before they got bought out by Walmart or big business. I don't know who owns WDT. I don't know who all works for them. What I do know is that they have STRONG affiliation with TVN and they do business with the likes of Discovery, CNN, many local broadcasters, NBC proper which includes The Wearther Channel and many others. I know they have their hand in much. And I know that you can't sell your video to someone who already has it.
Maybe if JR or someone from WDT can give a FULL explaination as to what we can expect, give us the fine print, tell us who is actually in the game as far as what broadcasters, networks, productions or the like and go into real detail about embargoing video (for those that don't know or understand) then I might be interested and I might want to move forward with WDT. I mean I totally see the possible rewards but I also see some major issues. It looks real nice on the front page of the AMS website but it gives me no security except for the fact that I will make a certain percentage (no one has exactly said how much yet though) on viewers of my stream. Kinda reminds me of that used care sales man pitch....
And for those who own/run media/ brokering services...I have also never been a big fan of someone else brokering my video. Through the years I have learned to do it myself with the contacts I have made but with the streaming and the tours this gets troublesome. Should I choose to go with a broker service how will they be affected with this buy? Keeping in mind that WDT has a stronghold in many markets local and even networks. You cannot put an embargo to somewhere if that entity already has the contract in place with the local broadcaster you are trying to deal with. They already have viewed/aired said video from the just does not make sense to me. I cannot believe that with all the "knowledge" people say they have who are running their own media service that they are not asking the same questions I am.
I need answers to these questions before I can or will make a sound decision as to stay or not stay with CTV/WDT. After all, other than the name, CTV is and will no longer be CTV, it will be WDT running CTV under the flag of CTV.
I respectfully ask any representative of WDT to help me understand how this is going to possibly work. There are only so many ways you can rob Peter to pay Paul, and thats what this "opt in" option feels like to me.
Thanks for letting me write this book and taking time in reading it. I look forward to your reply. And please excuse the grammer....its ealry.

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