Verizon's Launch site is up and things are ready for tomorrow's launch. With Verizon having the nation-wide spectrum license for 700mhz for LTE, I think they're probably the best positioned company in the country now for moving to 4G.
One thing I've noticed on all of the 4G datacards for the various companies is that no one has an external antenna connector... I don't really like that idea as I've found my amp to be great with my card on Sprint's network. They don't seem to have a winner though with WiMax, so keeping my options open for the future.
One thing I've noticed on all of the 4G datacards for the various companies is that no one has an external antenna connector... I don't really like that idea as I've found my amp to be great with my card on Sprint's network. They don't seem to have a winner though with WiMax, so keeping my options open for the future.