US Cellular Laptop internet connection???

Joey Ketcham

So I just got my USB Cell Phone Data Cable in the mail today for laptop > cell phone connection to dial up to internet, I've setup the Dialup connection already, but I can't get it to dial out on the call phone.

It keeps telling me no dialtone detected and never attempts to dial out on the cell phone.

I have a LG VX6000 phone.. any ideas?
Ok, I take that back. I had to go into the properties and change it to Modem - LG COMA USB Modem and then it picked up to dial out, but says "Service currently unavaliable"


Doesn't look like US Cellular will support data transfer over their phones afterall.
Welp, to answer the question of "Can I dial into internet with US Cellular".. the answer is NO!

I tried and it won't work, just says that the service is unavaliable. Guess I'll have to switch to another provided. :cry: :cry:
a little late for this chase season but Im looking into getting the sony ericsson card from cingular.

at $80 a month for unlimited data transfer, I'll use it for my complete internet needs, including at my apartment. When its in the EDGE mode, speeds are quite fast. Since the Cingular/ATT wireless merger, their digital data coverage is quite expansive, even in the plains. you may be in GPRS mode more than edge but the speed will still be fast. there will be dead spots but everything has that except for the sat based data systems (XM) but they can be subject to dead spots locally around storms (ironically).

just another option for you to consider. plus this leaves you phone free for calling in reports and such.
Looks like I'm gonna switch over to Alltel, I used a Altell cell phone and was able to dial right in and connect...
take the phone in and tell the to activate the data port. I had to pay 10$ a month. changed to cellone where the port is open and no extra charge.
Hmm.. I emailed the main corp. on Monday and asked them about it and they replied back saying it's not possible because of their setup.. dunno, I'll ask em
Hmm.. I emailed the main corp. on Monday and asked them about it and they replied back saying it's not possible because of their setup.. dunno, I'll ask em

The best advice I can give is to drop USCellular. I had nothing but problems with the cell service and the people that work there. Tried every option possible to get data with them, but to no avail. The only option that I know of with them is to purchase their EasyEdge program and get their weather application. Very primitive radar and sat, but better than nothing.