UPDATE: Twistex Permanent Memorial Fund

Steve Miller

Owner Emeritus
Staff member
Jun 14, 2004
Moore, OK
I'm thrilled to announce a cashiers check for $5,303.19 was provided today to Officer Doug Gerten by Michael Ratliff's very generous girlfriend. She produced the funds on behalf of Michael and I cannot extend enough thank yous to everyone involved in making this happen. The Twistex Memorial Fund is back intact.

I have been asked by Doug to co-sign on an account this week that the funds, as well as any additional funds raised from here forward, will reside. The account will be opened with BancFirst. Money will not be accessible by either myself nor Doug unless both of us are present.

This brief setback has not changed the status of the memorial. Materials are enroute to the U.S. at this time. We will continue to update regarding the progress of this project and hope to have a great honor to these men available in the near term.
I breathed a sigh of relief when I got the text from Doug. A huge thank you goes out to Ryan for making things right, for Michael. As @Steve Miller stated, this setback has not changed the status and the memorial would have been made, regardless if we had to raise the funds all over again.

We will need assistance with the installation, once the time comes! Thank you, to everyone, for supporting this beautiful tribute.
Excellent news, Im glad this sticky situation was able to be resolved. Thank you to everyone who made it all possible.
Excellent news!
I was extremely impressed by the number of people on ST who were willing to step up and make an additional contribution even after it appeared their first donation was gone. It's a powerful testament to our sense of community in the face of a terrible loss, and a tremendous honor to Tim, Paul and Carl.
Good to hear. Sounds like this speed bump is now behind us. Glad that's all it was.