Unlimited wireless internet for $20 a month w/o contract

Caleb Kimbrough

I didn't see a post on this, so I figured I'd say something.

At&t now offers the option of having unlimited pay as you go wireless internet for $20 a month with no contract. You can use a wireless broadband card or a phone as a modem, they'll both work. There's no contract, you just have to pay in at the beginning of the month and pay $20 to have unlimited data for the next month. Of course, this is perfect for chasing...since you'll only use it less than half the year...

Looking at the coverage map might discourage some though. There's decent data coverage in OK but it gets more spotty heading north, although up here in KC it's blazing fast ;)

Check out this article for more: http://www.phonenews.com/att-gophone-prepaid-adds-data-only-option-3381/

I signed up for it and am awaiting a phone and cable, but I'll let you guys know how it works...
I am going to drop my $60 plan and go with this. Thanks for the post :)

note there is a 5 gig soft limit cap that they don't enforce
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I'm confused, is this in addition to a preexisting AT&T plan, or can anybody get this service only? I don't use AT&T, but for a Jackson a month I would use it for unlimited data.
From reading this on ATTs website it sound close to what US Cellular has
with EasyEdge. The website doesn't say anything about tethering a phone
or using a card with it. It refers to using it "on the phone"

Or am I in the wrong spot?

ATT is like other cell phone companys they are not going to mention tethering but it can be done and you can also take your sim card and use it in a laptop card
I see, so it is like EasyEdge in some ways. I can tether from my phone to the laptop
but if I go nuts with downloading or start sending video upstream they could lower
the boom on me....

I am a frequent poster on the howard forums and nobody has gotten the boot for going over the limit or received a letter from ATT. I use on average 10 gigs a month with ATT and I have had usage like that for almost 2 years and never been warned or booted :)
Looks like you can do just the data plan from what I see. But concerned about
doing any large amount of downloading or uploading with it and using a card instead of a phone. Would have to see the fine print on this before jumping.. Its not the same
as the regular ATT Wirless broad band plans.

Hey guys...

So, you don't need to have an existing plan with at&t to use this. It is part of their pay as you go plan. You're not required to used any sort of voice plan either, it can be data only.

Here's a quote from an article I found on the plan:

"ATT's terms of service prohibit tethering and "downloading movies using P2P file sharing services" but seem to allow all normal browsing and phone applications including legal streaming."

Here's the article, it'll help you guys out a lot: http://wapreview.com/blog/?p=546
If this is a true "Pay as you Go" plan it might be very attractive for visitors coming to the plains that don't want to use expensive roaming options...