Unidata IDV v2.9u2

Feb 29, 2004
Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States of Americ
Yes, there have been previous threads on the IDV... but I'm not about to dig them up from their grave, so deal with it.

Just tried the latest version of the IDV - 2.9u2. I have to say they've made great improvements since the first time I tried it; it's faster & there are more available data sources. To be honest, I hated the software when it first came out. I really can't stand the 3D display, it's great for conceptualizing data and presentation eye candy... but it's pretty useless in real-time forecasting IMO.

I really like the fact that you can quickly create a surface analysis from METAR data, overlay various imagery in one display (i.e. VIS satellite with a semi-transparent IR overlay shadowing the cloud tops), access a plethora of satellite data & radar data (built-in L2, L3, TDWR, and national composite), modify soundings from UA data and gridded data, use built-in drawing tools, open multi-panel display, etc.

My main problems are:

  • Model cross-sections suck. There is only one vertical coordinate (meters AGL), and I haven't figured out how to overlay different data (i.e. barbs + isotachs). This is a no-go for winter forecasting.

  • I'd like to scale down the satellite images to a specific geographic area, so I'm not downloading an entire file (a 1km VIS is HUGE). You could do this in McIDAS with the ADDE servers. Same with the 1km national nexrad composite. (I think I just solved this one)

  • It's faster than what it used to be, but still not fast enough. I suppose this is more of a problem on my end, however.

There are a couple small annoyances that I had to change to make the program suit me: The color schemes, the default map and projection, color tables, the METAR layout (monstrously huge), etc.

Overall, it is probably something I will continue to use. I'll probably switch back and forth with MetWise Net as it has lightning data and better tools for cross sections.

Figured out how to write formulas for the gridded data. It's fairly easy. Here's an example that takes the input from two models or more (i.e. NAM+GFS) for a given time, and creates an average of two grids (MSLP in this case). You could also give a specific model more weight.

Hi Tom - I haven't made it that far yet. I'm still playing around in the GUI. I figured out the cross-sections; they're actually merged with the transect view which is pretty sweet. The program also supports GR place files (there's currently a bug), KML, shape files, etc..

My only problem now is time matching for various products while displaying a loop, matching a satellite and radar overlay with automatic refresh, for example... And the fact that the program eats up so much damn memory (it makes a quick meal of my 3GB).
Hi Rob

Agree about the memory. I kind of use it as an aware screen. Satellite, radar, and RUC for pressure and wind streams. If you have not found it yet, go to field selector, right click properties, and you can set the parameters to auto update at the time frame of your choosing.

The new McIDAS will also process all the same files, and seems a little faster.

I've had that program for a few months now, and have only played with it a little. How do you get all that stuff displayed? Only thing I can ever get is the vis sat, and only 4km, or it says "java heap space" error or something.
There is a learning curve. Go to windows at the top of the menu and choose data explorer. Now data sources-to general catalogs to unidata IDD to UCAR (motherload) than choose your model. If you have a satellite picture up you should be able to display the RUC data over it.
LB - You're most likely trying to load the entire GINI file at 1km resolution, so you're getting a memory error (one file is 56MB). You can subset the region by playing around with the magnification / image size parameter in the data chooser.

Here's the 1km VIS and 1km N0R over the Great Lakes. These bundles just load the data source / magnification / size automatically for you; be sure to select the appropriate number of times as it loads in 50 available frames.

To load these two bundles:

1) Unzip the file
2) Open the IDV
3) Click "Displays > Favorite Bundles > Manage" from the top toolbar
4) Right-click on a folder and select "Import bundle" and select the bundle file

FWIW, the IDV is completely unusable on my computer with 1GB of RAM, it's simply not enough. You really need at least 2.5GB. If you have more RAM, you also need to change the IDV startup parameter so it can actually use the extra resource. It's set at 512MB by default.


  • IDV Bundle.zip
    11 KB · Views: 100
Holy crap, its a memory hog for sure. Managed to make an enhanced IR color table, and display METAR data overtop of it.

Also, Robert I cant open those files. I go to import them, and select them, and it acts like its loading the bundle, but then the screen looks the same, and no data is showing.
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Also, Robert I cant open those files. I go to import them, and select them, and it acts like its loading the bundle, but then the screen looks the same, and no data is showing.

It just loads the data source. When you select the bundle and the box pops up, make sure everything is unchecked. Then in the "Field Selector" uncheck "Use Default" in the "Times" box. Select a time (i.e. most recent, Ctr+click for multiple images, right-click for other options). Then click on "Create Display," and it should load.
Not sure if this will bring up the color table, but here is the bundle from the image I posted above.

Oh yeah, got that to work Robert, thanks. Is there a way to get archived data? I was trying to do it with sat data, but it says day not available. I was using the unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu link for all my data.


  • IR_METAR.zip
    10.8 KB · Views: 78
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I've also been playing around with this new version. It's definitely an improvement, but still very clunky to navigate around. After getting use to and appreciating AWIPS, its hard to use IDV with its poor menu design.

I will say it is still a very powerful research tool, which I utilized greatly during my studies. Good luck trying to use this operationally though.
the default ram is set to 512 mb, which will run your machine down in most instances. Edit your "runidv.bat" and change the "512" to something like "1024", then save it, and IDV will run much smoother.