Unidata IDV v2.9u2

I've also been playing around with this new version. It's definitely an improvement, but still very clunky to navigate around. After getting use to and appreciating AWIPS, its hard to use IDV with its poor menu design.

I will say it is still a very powerful research tool, which I utilized greatly during my studies. Good luck trying to use this operationally though.

AWIPS II is on the way, and is also being developed in Java under open source agreements. I really hope Unidata's version allows it to use remote data sources like the IDV. That's basically the only thing that keeps me going back. I feel the days of being required to ingest a full stream of data on a Linux box via LDM is a bit overkill for your typical real-time user.
Im trying to get a section of the midwest narrowed down so it doesn't load the whole VIS image, and crash the program. How do I narrow it down like the one you posted? I played around with the image size, location and magnification, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Alright, I'll try to explain as best as possible as it's kind of complicated when you're not hands-on.

1) Zoom into the area you're interested in
2) Go to the Dashboard and select Data Chooser > Images > GINIEAST
3) Select your image type (VIS, IR, etc)
4) Select the time(s) you're interested in

Toward the bottom of the Data Chooser, you'll see where it says Location. To the right of that is a circular arrow icon that should say Center=, and even further to the right another circular arrow icon with Line/Element. Click on the far right circular arrow icon (this will switch it from line/element to lat/lon). Another icon (cross-hair?) even further to the right should appear; click on it and select Center.

Now go down to where it says Magnification. You should see a broken chain-link icon; click it. Then adjust the magnification up to -3 or so, and then click the chain-link icon again to "break" it. With the chain-link broken, adjust the Magnification to 1. Display the image, and it should work.

Not very user friendly, but once you get the hang of it it's pretty simple.
Hey it worked, and yes that is not user friendly. The whole magnification thing is stupid. Linked and unlinked, dont even know what the point of dragging it to -3 to begin with was for...LOL